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词汇 neither
例句 It's essential that she has this medication, and the cost is neither here nor there.重要的是她有这种药,价钱无所谓。He had neither relatives nor friends there.他在那里一无亲戚,二无朋友。We had neither money nor food.我们既没有钱,也没有食物。For a time neither of us spoke.有一段时间我们两个谁都不说话。His words to the press were deliberately equivocal - he didn't deny the reports but neither did he confirm them.他对新闻界发言时故意含糊其词——既没有否认也没有证实这些报道。There are problems. To start with, neither of us likes housework.有一些问题。 首先,我们俩谁都不喜欢做家务。She could neither sit nor stand and, walking, was adrift without balance.她既不能坐,也不能站,走起路来摇摇晃晃,失去平衡。I could find neither hide nor hair of my pen.我怎么找也找不到我的笔。I neither know nor care what happened to him.我不知道,也不关心他出了什么事。I'm sorry but I can neither confirm nor deny the allegation.抱歉,我既无法证实也无法否认这项指控。They neither of them wanted to go.他们两个都不想去。At first, neither man could speak.起初,两个人都不会说。Since neither candidate is appealing, voters are forced to choose the lesser of two evils.由于两位候选人都没有吸引力,选民只好把选票投给两者中略好些的那位。His problems are neither my business nor yours.他的问题不关你我的事。That is neither here nor there.那是不相干的事。I haven't read the book; neither do I intend to read it.这本书我没看过,也不想看。I have received neither an acknowledgment nor a reply.我未收到任何复函或答复。Although most polls indicated that Hillary had a better performance, but many people thought that she and Trump just had a slugfest, and neither one could claim to have won.虽然多数的民调显示希拉蕊赢得了辩论,但许多人认为俩人只是激烈地互殴,谁也称不了是赢家。I can give you neither an opinion nor any advice.我既不能给你意见,也不能提供任何建议。Whether or not I agree with you is neither here nor there.我是否同意你的看法都无关紧要。When we drew level, he neither slowed down nor accelerated.当我们齐头并进时,他既没有慢下来也没有加速。He neither drinks nor takes drugs.他既不喝酒又不吸毒。Britain does not agree and neither do Denmark, Portugal and Ireland.英国不同意,丹麦、葡萄牙和爱尔兰也持反对意见。Adams was not invited, and neither were any of his friends.亚当斯未被邀请,而且他的朋友也没有一个被邀请。I acted neither fraudulently nor improperly.我既没有欺诈也没有犯法。The authorities were not sympathetic to the students' demands, neither would they tolerate any disruption.当局既不支持学生们的要求,也不会容忍任何混乱发生。He tasted both cakes and decided neither was good.他两块蛋糕都尝了尝,觉得都不好吃。Science tells us that neither man nor God is omnipotent.科学告诉我们,人和上帝都不是全能的。Antibiotics were of no use, neither were other pharmaceuticals.抗生素没有效果,其他药物也没有作用。A settlement was reached in which neither side lost face.达成了一个双方都不失面子的协议。She neither drinks, smokes, nor eats meat.她不喝酒,不抽烟,也不吃肉。It's an absurd situation - neither of them will talk to the other.这情形真是让人哭笑不得——他们谁也不理睬谁。I know many people like the idea, but that's neither here nor there: we just can't afford it.我知道许多人喜欢这个主意,可是这并不相干;我们办不到。Both drugs slow the progression of HIV, but neither cures the disease.这两种药物都可以延缓艾滋病病情发展,但是都不能治愈这种疾病。This is a war which neither side can win.这是一场双方都无法打赢的战争。The deal cratered when neither party could agree on the final price.双方无法就最终价格达成一致,交易也就告吹了。The generality of people are neither good nor bad.大多数人既不好也不坏。He was neither liberal nor conservative but fell somewhere in-between.他既不是自由派也不是保守派,而是介于两者之间的中间派。The ceasefire treaty was a dead letter as soon as it was signed, as neither side ever had any intention of keeping to it.由于双方缺乏遵守的诚意,停火协定一经签署就成了废纸一张。It's been a very quiet morning so far. Only two people came in, and neither of them bought anything.今天早上到现在为止一直很清静。只来了两个人,而且什么也没买。




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