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词汇 nationality
例句 There must be equality of rights for all citizens, regardless of nationality.不分民族,所有公民权利均等。Despite being born in Germany, these children do not have an automatic right to German nationality.尽管这些孩子在德国出生,他们并不能自动获得德国国籍。Asked his nationality, he said British.被问及国籍时,他说是英国。Jeanne has dual nationality because her mother is French and her father is English.珍妮具有双重国籍,因为她母亲是法国人,父亲是英国人。He accused them of discrimination on the grounds of nationality.他指控他们在国籍问题上有所歧视。She storied about her nationality.她谎报自己的国籍。She has never given up her nationality. Even so, her opponents argue that she is not a true Burmese.她从未放弃过她的国籍。即便如此,反对者仍然说她不是真正的缅甸人。His accent betrayed his nationality.从他的口音可知道他是哪国人。His nationality isn't relevant to whether he is a good lawyer.他的国籍跟他是不是一个好律师不相关。She's American, but her parents are of Japanese nationality.她是美国人,但她父母都是日本国籍。The application form asks you to state your name, age, and nationality.申请表要求填上姓名、年龄和国籍。She has dual British and American nationality.她有英美双重国籍。The anglicizing policy robbed Irish nationality of a great deal of its native force.英国化政策大大削弱了爱尔兰民族主义原有的力量。When they are in plenary session, members of the European Parliament sit in political groups, not according to nationality.欧洲议会的议员们在参加全体会议时按照政治团体而非国籍分别就座。States are required to seek out any person who has committed a grave breach, irrespective of his nationality.各州被要求查出所有严重违法者,不问国籍。The aim is to guarantee the rights of all citizens without distinction of nationality, sex, education, or status.目标是不分国籍、性别、教育程度或社会地位,保障所有公民的权利。He lives in Canada but has British nationality.他住在加拿大,但具有英国国籍。He has dual British and South African nationality.他有英国和南非双重国籍。The colony has now attained nationality.这块殖民地现已获得独立。Forms usually ask you your name, address, nationality and place of birth.填写表格时通常要填上你的姓名、地址、国籍和出生地。Aggression by one nationality against another often leads to war.一个民族对另一民族的挑衅往往会导致战争。He has dual nationality because his father was born in Pakistan and his mother is British.他有双重国籍,因为他父亲在巴基斯坦出生,母亲是英国人。Rob may be entitled to dual nationality.罗布或许有资格获得双重国籍。She is hoping to adopt Australian nationality.她正希望加入澳大利亚国籍。The pupils are of mixed nationality.这些小学生来自不同的民族。He recently received the Spanish passport which grants him dual nationality.他最近拿到了西班牙护照,承认他的双重国籍。Discrimination by employers on the grounds of race and nationality was illegal.雇主以种族或国籍为由歧视员工是非法的。




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