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词汇 attitude
例句 I detected a subtle change in his attitude towards us.我发觉他对我们的态度发生了微妙的变化。I knew this carefree attitude was only a front.我知道这种无忧无虑的态度只不过是表象而已。Not a very creditable attitude, I'm afraid.恐怕那不是很值得赞许的态度。What I don't need is somebody with an attitude problem.我不要态度有问题的人。His sexist attitude infuriates me.他歧视女性的态度让我很生气。The Editor takes a cavalier attitude to the concept of fact checking.那名编辑对于事实查证的观念采取了满不在乎的态度。He's an easy-going, friendly young man with a casual sort of attitude towards money.他是个随和、友善的年轻人,不太在意金钱。Let us deal with the question of his notoriously Neanderthal attitude to women.我们现在来说说他臭名昭著的、对女性态度粗鲁的问题。The poor economic climate and the attitude of leading executives both point to a grim future.不利的经济气候,以及主要管理人员的态度,都表明未来形势严峻。This attitude had stiffened as the Reformation had taken hold.随着宗教改革的兴起这种态度变得更为坚定起来。The multi-faith approach aims to develop an attitude of tolerance.多信仰法旨在培养一种容忍态度。There's been a change/shift in his attitude since his accident.遭遇事故后,他的态度发生了改变。This attitude was in deep contrast with popular feeling in the rest of Italy.这一态度与意大利其他地方的普遍情绪形成鲜明对比。That sort of attitude really gets my goat.那种态度实在是让我火冒三丈。My sister told me that my prissy attitude annoys her.我姐姐告诉我,我拘谨的态度让她不悦。The protests can only serve to harden the attitude of the government.抗议只会使政府的态度更加强硬。I was slightly disappointed by her attitude.她的态度让我有点儿失望。Her attitude has undergone a sea change in recent months.近几个月以来,她的态度有了巨大的转变。He maintained the humble attitude that has always marked his public appearances.他保持着他出现在公众场合时惯有的谦恭态度。Their attitude irritates me.他们的态度激怒了我。The general attitude of the public is sympathetic.公众普遍持同情的态度。Their attitude was condemned as blind acceptance of authority.他们的态度被指责为盲目接受权威。I detected a certain obstinacy in his attitude.我发现他的态度有些固执。All the other people in the office seemed to have a very serious attitude towards their work.办公室里所有的人对待工作似乎都非常认真。Sometimes it's essential for doctors to cultivate a detached attitude.有时医生们采取超然的态度是至关重要的。His attitude is worrisome to them.他的态度弄得他们提心吊胆。The male chauvinist attitude of some people in the company could get you down.公司里一些人的大男子主义作风会让人不快。What a conventional, middle-aged attitude he has to life!他对生活的态度实在太保守了,简直像中年人!This very careful attitude to money can sometimes border on meanness.这种对待金钱的过分谨慎的态度有时几近于吝啬。He has a puritanical attitude towards sex.他在性问题上主张克制,反对纵欲。I find his attitude pretentious.我发现他态度傲慢。Her do-or-die attitude is inspiring.她坚定不移的态度激励着人心。She has a phlegmatic attitude towards her husband's death.她对她丈夫的死亡态度冷漠。The new pontiff adopted a more lenient attitude towards homosexualism.新任的主教对同性恋采取较为容忍的态度。I suppose that attitude really dates me!我认为那种态度确实使我显老!Their attitude was very discouraging.他们的态度非常令人沮丧。Her attitude is really ticking me off.她的态度真的让我很生气。Everyone here has a really laid-back attitude.这里每个人态度都很散漫。His attitude made me angry.他的态度让我很生气。His poor attitude was a bar to his success. 他不认真的态度是他成功的障碍。




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