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We take precise measurements of your existing windows and doors.我们对你家的门窗进行了精确的测量。The parts of the engine have been precisely machined.引擎的零件已经用机器精确加工成型。She was praised for the nicety of her judgment.她因判断力精确而受到称赞。The Queen's holiday is arranged to go like clockwork, everything pre-planned to the minute.女王的假期安排得井井有条,每一项活动都事先精确计划好了。The extraction of precise data can be quite difficult.要取得精确的数据可能会相当困难。The food was doled out in exact portions.那些食物按精确的份额发放。To insure accuracy, three consultants worked closely with the producer during filming.为了确保影片内容精确,在拍摄过程中有三位顾问与制片人密切合作。A surgical strike was carried out on the enemy's military headquarters.对敌军的总部实施了精确的军事打击。The figures may not be exactly right, but they're close enough.那些数字可能不是非常精确,但也相当接近。No precise/exact/official figures are available yet.目前尚无精确/准确/官方数字。The measurements are sufficiently accurate for our purposes.这些数据对于我们的目的来说已够精确的了。It is difficult to gauge accurately how much fuel is needed.难以精确估算出需要多少燃料。The word has a very precise meaning.这个词有着非常精确的意义。It is difficult to get accurate figures on population numbers.人口统计很难有精确的数字。Conditions in the greenhouse are carefully controlled.温室里的环境处于精确的控制之下。The accident would never have happened if we'd had an accurate map.要是我们有一份精确的地图,事故绝不会发生的。The bombs hit the pinpoints at which they were aimed.炸弹精确地击中了目标。Your working day will need to be organized with military precision.需以军人的精确作风对你们的工作日进行安排。This method is more fallible than most because it depends on careful and accurate timing.这种方法比大多数方法更容易出错,因为它需要仔细精确的计时。The newspaper has a reputation for good reporting and world exclusives.这家报纸享有报道精确和提供世界性独家新闻的美誉。He judged the weight to a nicety.他精确地估出了重量。It is important to take precise measurements of the structure.对这个建筑物进行精确的测量很重要。This will more accurately reflect the flow of your thoughts.这将更为精确地反映你的想法。The army used precision-guided munitions to blow up enemy targets.这支军队使用精确制导炸弹摧毁了敌军目标。The military uses computer imaging to pinpoint targets.军方使用计算机成像精确锁定目标。It was ingenious of him to arrange the schedule so precisely.他把时间表安排得如此精确,真有才智。Temperature can be measured precisely.温度可以精确地测量出来。Representing an image accurately requires a great many bytes of digital information.精确显示图像需要大量字节的数字信息。The manufacturers will not make precise estimates.制造商不会作出精确的估计。Her precision became a standing joke with colleagues.她事事讲究精确,同事们经常拿这事开玩笑。The pitcher showed pinpoint control of his fastball.投手表现出对快球的精确掌控力。Her books, with few exceptions, are workmanlike but pedestrian.除了极少几本以外,她的书写得精确细腻但缺乏想象力。We must speak by the card in order to avoid misunderstanding.我们说话必须精确,以免误会。We can accurately model the development process.我们可以精确地模拟那个发展过程。The prices were very roughly calculated - it looked as though he'd done them on the back of an envelope.计算出的价格不很精确——看上去似乎他只是粗略算了一下。To carry out accurate market research requires a huge amount of work.进行精确的市场研究需要做大量的工作。The aircraft made a good copybook approach.飞机做了一个非常精确的进场动作。It is difficult to get an accurate reading on the significance of these events.对这些事件的意义作出精确的估价是困难的。The artist was determined to present an accurate picture.那位画家决定展现一幅精确的画面。They cannot predict the precise consequences of an increase in average temperature.他们无法精确预测平均温度上升的后果。 |