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词汇 精疲力竭
例句 All three men were hot, dirty, and exhausted.三个人都是又热、又脏且精疲力竭David seems to be running out of steam.戴维看起来是精疲力竭了。The runner had shot his bolt long before the finish.那个赛跑选手在离终点还很远时就已经精疲力竭了。By the time the men reached safety, they were exhausted and half starved.那些人到了安全的地方时,已经精疲力竭,饿得半死了。The hikers were drooping by the end of their walk in the hot sun.徒步旅行者在烈日下走到最后都精疲力竭了。My father is completely exhausted.我父亲精疲力竭I've had an exhausting day.一天忙下来我精疲力竭The last time I saw Helena she was looking pretty washed-out. Is she alright?上次我见到海伦娜时,她一副精疲力竭的样子。她没事吧?Ryan was exhausted by the flight and walked off with wobbly legs to find Clark.赖恩这次坐飞机旅行后感到精疲力竭,他颤颤巍巍地走出来寻找克拉克。They have been pushed to the brink of exhaustion.他们几乎被逼到精疲力竭的境地。Sara looked white and fatigued.萨拉看上去脸色苍白,精疲力竭Recently, though, she seems to have run out of energy.然而,最近她好像已经精疲力竭了。The work drained me.那份工作把我累得精疲力竭Despite his weariness, Brand mustered a wan smile.虽然精疲力竭,布兰德还是无力地笑了笑。I feel totally drained.我感到精疲力竭Looking after a baby really takes it out of you.照看婴儿会让人精疲力竭Defeat left her tearful, pale and drained.失败使她泪水涟涟、面色苍白、精疲力竭The exhausted racers lay on the ground, gulping air.精疲力竭的赛跑选手躺在地上,大口大口地吸气。He's tired and exhausted, and has been advised to rest for two weeks.精疲力竭,被建议休息两周。It exhausted him to talk for too long, but he loved hearing all the theater gossip.过长时间的谈话让他精疲力竭,但他喜欢听所有戏剧界的小道消息。She was completely pumped when she reached the hill-top.她到达山顶时已精疲力竭了。The heat and the heavy work killed him.炎热和重活使他精疲力竭You're such a dynamo at work, you often leave the rest of us feeling exhausted.你真是个工作狂,经常让我们其他人感到精疲力竭He collapsed in an exhausted heap on the floor.精疲力竭地瘫倒在地板上。He was hollow-eyed and seemed very close to exhaustion.他眼眶深陷,看起来几乎要精疲力竭了。The young people run around kicking a ball, wearing themselves out.年轻人跑来跑去踢着球,把自己弄得精疲力竭All this travel is running me ragged!整趟旅行让我精疲力竭The marathon talks exhausted him completely.马拉松式的谈判使他精疲力竭By the end of the day I felt drained, with nothing to show for all my work.一天结束时我感到精疲力竭,做了那么多工作却什么也看不出来。He exhausted himself working in the heat.他在高温下干活,累得精疲力竭The journey proved to be very taxing.这趟旅行结果是令人精疲力竭The afternoon's exertions had left us feeling exhausted.下午太用劲,我们感到精疲力竭The heavy work knocked him up.繁重的工作让他精疲力竭At one point I was so exhausted and weak that I didn't think I was going to make it.有一会我精疲力竭,虚弱无力,都以为自己捱不过来了。She arrived home exhausted and barely capable of showering before collapsing on her bed.精疲力竭地回到家,勉强冲了个澡就倒在了床上。At the end of a day's teaching, her nerves were absolutely shattered.教了一天课,她精疲力竭I was exhausted after the long flight, so I just checked into the hotel and crashed.长途飞行之后我精疲力竭,入住旅店后倒头便睡了。The heat at midday can be absolutely exhausting.正午的酷热绝对会令人精疲力竭After a long day, his energy flagged.经过漫长的一天后,他精疲力竭She was exhausted by the hustle and bustle of city life.她被大城市生活的喧嚣纷扰弄得精疲力竭




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