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词汇 Move
例句 Move over, Armani, there's a new designer taking the fashion scene by storm.阿玛尼,靠边站吧,又有一位新设计师轰动了时尚界。Move over a bit, I'm falling out of bed.挪过去点儿,我要从床上掉下去了。Move over a little, so I can get in.挪一挪,让我也能进来。Move over. This is my side of the bed.躺过去点,床这边是我睡的。Move it to the right.把它移到右边。Move between pages by clicking on the tabs at the top of the screen.点击屏幕上方的标签转换页面。Move your piece forward three spaces.把你的棋子向前走三步。Move the pots outside when the seeds begin to sprout.种子开始发芽时把盆搬到外面去。Move the mouse pointer to the menu bar.将鼠标光标移到菜单栏。Move over – you're squashing me.挪过去点,你挤着我了。Move down to first gear.降到一挡。Move your chair over toward the fire.把你的椅子挪到炉火这边来。 Move the pots outdoors as soon as there is no more danger of frost.如果没有霜冻就立即把盆栽移至户外。Move the carpet around as it starts to wear.那块地毯有磨损了,把它移走吧。Move along and make room for me.请往前挪一下,让出点空位给我。Move over and let the little girl sit down.挪过去点,让这小女孩坐。Move around with horizontal and vertical scroll bars.以横竖两种滚动条来回移动。Move the cursor to where it says "New File" and press enter.把光标移到“新建文件”处然后按回车键。Move it a tad to the right.把它往右挪一点。Move back as far as possible.尽可能远地往后退。Move to the shallow end of the pool.到游泳池的浅水区去。Move this word and you change the meaning of the sentence.移动这个词的话,句子的意思就变了。Move over and let me drive.挪开,让我来开车。Move up, John, and let the lady sit down.约翰,挪一挪,让这位女士坐下。Move on, please, and let the ambulance through.请往前挪一下,让救护车过去。The sign isn't centered. Move it a little to the left.标牌没有居中,把它稍微向左挪一点。Move away from just relying on a central pendant to light your room.别再只靠一盏中央吊灯来给房间照明了。Move your stinky feet!挪开你的臭脚!Move the picture a little to the left.把这幅画往左移一点。Move your leg up gently when you're doing this exercise, but don't force it.在做这一动作时把腿轻轻往上抬,但不要用力。Move the cursor two spaces to the right.把光标向右移两个空格。Move! Get out of the way!让开!别挡着路!Move the decimal point two places to the right.将小数点向右移两位。Move up, John, and make room for the lady.约翰,挪一挪,给这位女士腾点地方。Move the machine in an upright position.垂直地移动机器。




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