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词汇 mounted
例句 I ask the mounted patrol to keep their eyes open.我要求那些巡逻骑警提高点警惕。She mounted the last flight to the sixth floor.她爬到了通往六楼的最后一段楼梯。Sentries are mounted outside the palace at all times.宫殿外一直有警卫站岗。The gun is mounted on rails.枪架在铁轨上。The switch is mounted directly on the wall.开关直接安装在墙上。As soon as the rider mounted the camel he was tossed to the ground.骑手刚刚骑上骆驼就被摔到了地上。A car suddenly mounted the pavement to avoid a vehicle coming in the opposite direction.有辆汽车为了躲避对面驶来的一辆车突然冲上了人行道。They raced through the city in jeeps with mounted cannon.他们乘坐装有机关炮的吉普车迅速穿过城市。He mounted his horse and took off at a gallop.他翻身上马,疾驰而去。Police mounted round-the-clock guards on properties last night.警方昨晚对各处资产进行了通宵守卫。They've even mounted guard outside the main hotel in the capital.他们甚至派人在首都的大饭店外面站岗。The pressure mounted as the crisis continued.随着危机的持续,压力在不断增加。Some months ago angry demonstrators mounted a noisy demonstration beneath his window. His neighbours thereupon insisted upon more security.几个月前,愤怒的示威者在他的窗下发起了闹哄哄的抗议活动,随后他的邻居们坚决要求加强安全防范。The statue was mounted on a marble base.那雕像立在一个大理石基座上。They mounted/launched a counteroffensive against the enemy.他们向敌人发起反攻。Union leaders have mounted an offensive against the company's proposal to limit health benefits.针对公司限制健康福利的提案,工会领导们已经发起了反抗攻势。The police mounted an extensive search operation.警方展开了一场大范围的搜索行动。He was mounted on the finest horse you could ever see.他骑着一匹难得一见的骏马。The car mounted the pavement and crashed into a lamp post.汽车开上人行道,撞到了路灯柱上。They mounted an unsuccessful campaign to have Lewis reinstated.他们发动了让刘易斯复职的运动,但是失败了。Guerrillas have mounted an attack on the capital.游击队员向首都发起了攻击。The jeweler mounted the pearl in a ring.珠宝匠把珍珠镶嵌在戒指上。They launched/mounted a raid against the enemy.他们对敌军发起/发动了突袭。We mounted the canoe onto the car's roof rack.我们把独木舟安放在小汽车的车顶行李架上。The device consists of a large wheel mounted on a metal post.这个装置由一个安装在金属杆上的大轮子构成。The government has mounted a campaign to combat the rash of violence.政府发动了一次旨在打击暴力犯罪激增的行动。The soldiers mounted an all-out attack on the town.士兵对该镇发起全面进攻。The second act mounted in excitement.第二幕戏越来越激动人心。The injured man mounted his horse with difficulty.受伤的男子艰难地上了马。The speaker mounted the platform.那位演讲人登上了讲台。He mounted his bicycle and rode off.他骑上自行车走了。They mounted their bikes and rode off.他们骑上自行车走了。The picture is now ready to be mounted and framed.这幅画现在可以装裱加框了。The speakers were mounted on the walls.扬声器被安装在墙上。The soldiers mounted up and rode off.士兵们上马扬尘而去。They have mounted a propaganda campaign against Western governments.他们发起了一场反对西方政府的宣传运动。The engine is mounted in the middle to achieve a more even weight distribution.发动机安装在中间,以使重量分布更均衡。He lifted up his little son, and mounted him on the horse.他把小儿子举起来,让他骑在马背上。The ceremonial occasion was mounted with more regal pomp and circumstance than ever.这次典礼比以往任何一次都更盛大豪华。They mounted an effective opposition to the bill.他们发起了对此议案的有力抵抗。




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