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The shuttle programme has now been mothballed to save money.为节省资金,航天飞行计划已被束之高阁。Long-mothballed projects like widening the Suez Canal are being dusted off.诸如拓宽苏伊士运河等长期束之高阁的计划正被重新采用。Many navy ships were mothballed after the war.战后,很多海军军舰被封存起来。The hospital manager said the project would be mothballed until funding became available.医院院长说,这个项目要暂时搁一搁,等到有资金了再说。Six coal mines were mothballed in the hope that they could be reopened in a time of better economic conditions.六个煤矿暂被封存,希望在经济形势转好的时候可以重开。 |