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词汇 Moscow
例句 Washington and Moscow are believed to have similar views on Kashmir.据信华盛顿和莫斯科在克什米尔问题上的看法相似。Moscow is running critically low on food supplies.莫斯科的食品供给严重不足。When America boycotted the Moscow Olympics it cheapened the medals won.美国抵制莫斯科奥运会的行为使金牌的含金量降低了。A British trade mission has arrived in Moscow.英国贸易代表团已抵达莫斯科。They went to a reception at the American Embassy in Moscow.他们去参加了莫斯科的美国大使馆的招待会。His work took him as far afield as Moscow and Delhi.他的工作使他跑到像莫斯科和德里这样远的地方。Locally passed laws are of superior authority to those laws passed in Moscow.当地法律高于莫斯科颁布的全国法律。All the acts were good, but the evening belonged to a dance group from Moscow.所有的表演都很精彩,但是当晚最受欢迎的是一个来自莫斯科的舞蹈团。His job in Moscow corresponds to your father's position here.他在莫斯科的职务与你爸爸在这儿的职务相当。Mr Baker flew in from Moscow.贝克先生是从莫斯科飞过来的。The foreign ministers are meeting in the splendour of Oktyabrskaya Hotel in central Moscow.外长们正在莫斯科市中心富丽堂皇的十月酒店里开会。The number of aircraft on the New York-Moscow run is being increased.纽约—莫斯科之间的航线正在增加航班。Western correspondents resident in Moscow驻莫斯科的西方记者Thanks to globalization, the burger you buy in Moscow is exactly the same as the one you buy in New York.因为是全球一体化,在莫斯科买的汉堡包和在纽约买的一模一样。They put together a Western economic aid package for Moscow.他们为莫斯科准备了一整套西方经济援助计划。She was possessed by a frenzied urge to get out of Moscow.她内心有一种想要逃离莫斯科的狂热冲动。This has set the alarm bells ringing in Moscow.这已给莫斯科拉响了警报。She said she liked Moscow, but felt homesick for Prague.她说她喜欢莫斯科,但也怀念布拉格。The Moscow Symphony Orchestra is here on tour.莫斯科交响乐团来这里进行巡回演出。His parents sent him to Moscow to study physics, chemistry, and mathematics.他父母送他到莫斯科学习物理、化学和数学。Moscow's sway in the regions has always varied from strong to tenuous.莫斯科对这些地区的控制力一直时强时弱。He had been recruited by the Russians as a mole and trained in Moscow.他已被俄国人招募为间谍并在莫斯科接受了培训。He embarked on a goodwill tour of Moscow.他赴莫斯科进行友好访问。Lithuania hasn't had any direct communication with Moscow.立陶宛与莫斯科之间没有任何直接的联系。They set up a hot line between Washington and Moscow.他们建立了华盛顿与莫斯科之间的首脑直拨专线。The plane gets into Moscow just after midnight.飞机在午夜刚过时到达莫斯科。Reports speak of Berlin putting together an aid package for Moscow.报告称柏林正在制订一揽子的莫斯科援助计划。The United States urged Moscow and the rebels to resume peace talks.美国敦促莫斯科与叛乱分子重开和平会谈。Sereni was lured to Moscow by subterfuge.塞雷妮被人施诡计引诱到了莫斯科。I wanted to look round Moscow and see the sights.我想在莫斯科参观游览一番。Moscow is seeking to slow the growth of Russian inflation.俄罗斯政府正力图遏制本国的通货膨胀。The initiative to reopen negotiations came from Moscow.重启谈判的主动权来自莫斯科方面。The city authorities have given their consent to leases on two buildings in the centre of Moscow.市政当局已经同意租借莫斯科市中心的两幢大楼。Lithuania is heavily reliant on Moscow for almost all its oil.立陶宛的石油供应几乎完全依赖莫斯科。The offer of talks with Moscow marks a significant change from the previous western position.提议与莫斯科举行会谈标志着西方立场的重大转变。Also among the speakers was the new American ambassador to Moscow.发言者当中还有驻莫斯科的新任美国大使。There are tangible signs that the republic's successfully breaking its bonds with Moscow.有明显迹象表明该共和国成功地断绝了与莫斯科的密切联系。Napoleon's army began its advance on Moscow.拿破仑的军队开始向莫斯科推进。This little book is the definitive travel guide to Moscow.这本小书是最好的莫斯科旅游指南。Coup plotters tried to seize power in Moscow.政变谋划者试图在莫斯科夺取政权。




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