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Colesville has changed from a sleepy little town to a bustling city.科尔斯维尔从一座冷清的小镇发展成为繁华的都市。The warmth from the fire made her feel sleepy.炉火的温暖使她昏昏欲睡。Valence is a sleepy little town just south of Lyon.瓦朗斯是里昂南面一座寂静的小镇。The warmth of the sun was making them all sleepy.太阳的温暖令他们都想睡觉。Streets fill with people during the festival, but for the most part it's a quiet, sleepy town.节日期间街道上挤满了人,但在平日,这是个安静冷清的小镇。She finds that the sleepy town she moves to isn't the rural idyll she imagined.她发现她搬进的这个宁静小镇并非她想象中美好的乡间田园。She began to feel sleepy and suspected that her drink had been doped.她开始觉得昏昏欲睡,怀疑自己的饮料被下了迷药。All of a sudden she didn't look sleepy any more.她突然看起来一点都不困了。The incidence of murder that Sunday afternoon shocked the sleepy village.那个星期天下午发生的凶杀案,震动了这个一向沉寂的村庄。She headed for the High Street, the only lively spot in the sleepy little town.她前往高街,那是这个宁静小镇上唯一热闹的地方。The medicine was supposed to make him sleepy, but it had the opposite effect.这药应该能使他入睡,但实际上却起了相反的作用。Ten years ago, this was a sleepy fishing village.十年前,这是一个宁静的小渔村。Are you sleepy, darling?你困了吗,亲爱的?He became sleepy as the time passed.随着时间的推移,他变得困倦了。The once sleepy backwater is now a thriving city.那个曾经沉寂的闭塞之地现已成为繁华的都市。She suddenly started to feel very sleepy.她突然感到非常困倦。The sleepy snakes uncoiled from hibernation.熟睡的蛇从冬眠中苏醒过来。She felt sleepy and went to bed.她感到困乏就去睡了。It's no easy task getting three sleepy children out of the car and into the house.把三个打瞌睡的孩子从汽车里抱出来弄进屋里可不是件轻松的事。The painkillers kicked in and he became sleepy.止痛药开始起作用了,他变得昏昏欲睡。She was still tired and sleepy when he woke her.他叫醒她的时候,她仍然又累又困。We arrived at the hotel late at night, and were too sleepy to notice how beautiful it was.我们很晚才到达旅馆,困得都没注意到它有多漂亮。I didn't feel sleepy at all – just the opposite, in fact.我一点都不困 — 事实上正好相反。She was coming round after her operation, but she still felt dizzy and very sleepy.手术后,她苏醒过来,但仍感觉头晕嗜睡。The alcohol was making him sleepy.喝酒后他昏昏欲睡。Sticklepath is a sleepy little town right in the heart of the Devonshire countryside.斯蒂克尔帕斯是德文郡乡村中部的一座寂静小镇。You won't find much culture in this sleepy little town, I'm afraid!在这座死气沉沉的小镇里,恐怕你不会发现多少文化底蕴!She was beginning to get a little sleepy.她开始有点儿困了。The voice at the other end of the phone sounded sleepy and confused.电话那一端的声音听起来没精打采而且含混不清。I was feeling sleepy.我感到困倦不堪。A sleepy voice answered him.一个没精打采的声音回答了他。His voice was alert, not the least bit sleepy.他的话音很警觉,没有一丝睡意。The soft background music made her feel sleepy.轻柔的背景音乐令她昏昏欲睡。It was a sleepy provincial hotel, not used to having more than two people staying there at any one time.那是在都城以外的一家很冷清的小旅舍,一般同时接待不超过两个客人。The town remains sleepy despite the activity all around it.尽管周围很热闹,小镇仍然沉寂。I felt very sleepy after lunch.午饭后我感到昏昏欲睡。For a long time I lay in a warm, sleepy haze.我在一种暖洋洋的昏昏欲睡的状态中躺了好久。We got a good supper, and grew rare and sleepy.我们美美地吃过晚饭,开始昏昏欲睡了。They retired to a sleepy little town in the south of Italy.他们隐居到意大利南部一个静寂的小村庄里。The room was hot and presently her eyes grew heavy and she began to feel sleepy.屋子里很热,一会儿她就觉得眼皮发沉昏昏欲睡。 |