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词汇 slender
例句 There is no long, slender mandible of a lower jaw in the whales.这种鲸鱼没有细长的颔下颚骨。We had to make the most of our rather slender resources.我们必须充分利用我们相当紧缺的资源。His is a true, if slender, talent.他的才干可能拙薄有限,但却是实实在在的。A spider was hanging from a slender thread.一只蜘蛛正挂在一根长长的细丝上。The United States held a slender lead.美国以微弱优势领先。The plant's leaves are long and slender.这株植物叶子细长。Gabriel was a tall slender young man with a light brown moustache.加布里埃尔是个身材修长的年轻人,留着淡棕色的小胡子。The company only has a slender hope of survival.这家公司维持下去的希望很渺茫。Sarah looked slender-waisted, fragile and very beautiful.萨拉纤纤细腰,弱不禁风,楚楚动人。The spider hung suspended on its slender thread.蜘蛛悬挂在它吐出的细丝上。She was slender and a natural blonde.她身材苗条,天生一头金发。The Currencies grow up tall and slender, like the Americans.澳大利亚土生白人长大成人都是瘦高个儿,像美国人一样。Those jeans make you look very slender.那条牛仔裤令你看起来身材修长。She has long legs and slender ankles.她双腿修长,脚踝也很纤细。A slender thread of smoke rose up from the chimney.一缕青烟从烟囱里升起。She has a tall slender figure.她个高,身材苗条。The pictures are held in place by three slender brass rods.这些画用三根细长的铜棒固定住。She had long slender fingers.她手指修长纤细。He gazed at her slender neck.他凝视着她优美的颈部。There were slender prospects of promotion.晋升的前景渺茫。She was slender and had long dark hair.她身材苗条,头发又黑又长。She was a small woman, slender and neatly made.她是一个玲珑娇小的女士,身材苗条匀称。Their chances of success are slender.他们成功的机会渺茫。She had long, slender expressive hands, like a concert pianist.她有一双修长、富有表现力的手,就像音乐会上的钢琴家。The whole family lived on his slender earnings.全家人靠他微薄的收入过活。Her legs were long and fine, her hips slender, her carriage erect.她双腿修长,腰肢纤细,身姿挺拔。He put his hands around her slender waist.他双手搂住了她纤细的腰。Jessie's pale dress swirled round her slender ankles.杰茜的淡色连衣裙在她瘦削的脚踝旁摆动。Blonde and slender, she was too striking to escape their attention.金发细腰的她太引人注目了,他们很难不注意到她。Mandy was slender and very fair with long golden hair.曼迪身材苗条,皮肤白皙,长着一头金色长发。From the outside, the most striking aspect of the building is its tall, slender tower.从外面看,这幢建筑最引人注目的是它那高而细的塔楼。She was fast and strong, with a slender, muscular body.她动作敏捷,身体强壮,苗条而结实。A laparoscopic prostatectomy is carried out using slender tubes inserted through five small holes in the abdomen.腹腔镜前列腺切除术是通过腹部的五个切口插入细管进行的。He has won a vote of confidence but only by a slender majority.他以微弱多数赢得了信任票。Sherry is black, tall, slender and soft-spoken.谢里是个黑人,身材高挑修长,说起话来轻声细语。They won by a slender majority.他们以微弱多数取胜。The fountain projects a slender column of water high into the air.喷泉将一道细长的水柱喷到高空。The charity has been existing on very slender resources.这个慈善团体一直靠非常微薄的经济来源维持。The Republicans won the election by a slender majority.共和党以微弱多数赢得选举。Dirk went and stood by her side, his arm around her slender waist.德克走过去站到她的身边,一手揽着她纤细的腰。




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