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词汇 sleep over
例句 The day sleeps over the broad hills.白天,连绵的群山中一片寂静。I didn't lose too much sleep over that investigation.我并不太担心那个调查。It's not that serious. I wouldn't lose sleep over it if I were you.它不是那么严重。如果我是你的话,我一点不会担心。I'm disappointed about their decision, but I'm not losing any sleep over it.我对他们的决定感到失望,但不会为此睡不着觉。It's a practice game – I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.那是一场练习赛,我不会为它担心的。Don't lose sleep over it-we'll sort everything out in the morning.不要为这件事睡不着觉,明早我们就能把事情都搞定。He would cheerfully hew off Owen's head and never lose a night's sleep over it.他会兴高采烈地砍掉欧文的头,而且不会为此失眠。I tried my best, and I certainly won't be losing any sleep over the result.我尽了全力,当然不会为结果操心。It was just a mistake. Don't lose any sleep over it.这不过是个失误。别为此烦恼了。I've had precious little sleep over the last two days.过去两天我睡得非常少。Is it okay if I sleep over at Sam's house tomorrow night?我明天晚上到萨姆家睡行吗?I wouldn't lose any sleep over what happened.事已至此,我才不担心呢。She said his friends could sleep over in the big room downstairs.她说他的朋友们可以在楼下的大房间里住一晚。Mom, can I sleep over at Carrie's house?妈,我可以在卡丽家过夜妈?He's been losing sleep over the project.他一直在为这个项目操心而睡不着觉。I wouldn't lose sleep over it if I were you.如果我是你,我才不会为此事失眠呢。My mother said that you could sleep over on Saturday.我妈说你周六可以借宿。Mum, can Billy sleep over on Saturday?妈妈,比利星期六可以在我家过夜吗?




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