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An elected committee will meet monthly to modulate the council's energy policy.一个选举产生的委员会将每月碰面以调整市政会的能源政策。These chemicals modulate the effect of potassium.这些化学物质可以调节钾的功效。Because she doesn't modulate her voice, she sounds the same when she's excited as when she's sad.她兴奋时和悲伤时的声音听起来一样,因为她不变化嗓音。These drugs modulate the disease process.这些药物能控制病情的发展。He did not modulate his voice as he greeted her.他招呼她时没有调整自己的声音。These organs modulate the amount of salt in the body.这些器官可调节体内的盐量。 |