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The protest march developed into a riot.抗议游行发展成为一场暴乱。The protest march passed off without any serious trouble.抗议游行进行得很顺利,其间没有发生任何严重问题。Large numbers of demonstrators were arrested during today's protest march.在今天的抗议游行中,有许多示威者被逮捕。Local trade union leaders joined in the protest march against cuts in government spending.当地工会领导人加入抗议游行,反对削减政府开支。This march could embarrass the government.这次抗议游行可能会让政府陷入困境。Several thousand students staged sit-ins and protest marches.几千名学生举行了静坐示威和抗议游行。The protest march began peacefully, but soon descended into violence.抗议游行开始的时候是以和平方式进行的,但很快就演变成了暴力事件。 |