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词汇 抗议者
例句 The demonstration outside the embassy landed some of the protesters in jail overnight.在使馆外举行抗议示威活动导致一些抗议者被拘留了一夜。Thousands of protesters poured out onto the streets.成千上万的抗议者涌上街头。Some protesters shook their fists in anger.一些抗议者愤怒地挥舞着拳头。Protesters called for sanctions on all countries that violate the human rights of their citizens.抗议者要求对所有侵犯本国公民人权的国家进行制裁。Javed Miandad appealed for calm, but he failed to quieten the protesters.贾维德·米安达德呼吁保持冷静,但他未能让抗议者安静下来。Protesters clashed with the police yesterday.昨天抗议者与警方发生了冲突。Whether or not the government was right to arrest the protesters is an extremely debatable point.政府逮捕抗议者的做法是否正确是极具争议的一点。The protesters have no God-given right to disrupt the life of the city.抗议者没有权力扰乱市民的生活。Protesters largely forbore from stone-throwing and vandalism.大多数抗议者克制住了,没有投掷石块和蓄意破坏。The speaker was hooted off the platform by a small group of protesters.那名发言人被少数抗议者的嘘声轰下了台。Protesters expressed joy at the government's decision.抗议者对政府的决定表示高兴。The protestors were peaceful, and the police decided not to interfere.抗议者很有秩序,于是警察就决定不加干预。I've heard people say that they should just send in the bulldozers and if the protesters don't move that's their problem.我听人们说过,就是应当把推土机开进去,而如果抗议者不走,那就后果自负。Protesters have been putting up barricades across a number of major intersections.抗议者们在许多主要的十字路口设置了路障。The government is unlikely to buckle under the protesters' demands.政府未必会对抗议者提出的要求让步。Some of the protesters tried to gain entrance to the meeting.一些抗议者试图进入会场。The protesters hurtled bottles at the police.抗议者向警察扔瓶子。Protesters and activists have raged against the company for years.抗议者和活跃分子多年来一直怒斥该公司。The speaker was heckled by a group of protestors.发言人遭到一群抗议者的请难。Protesters formed a human chain around the ancient tree to prevent it from being cut down.抗议者在古树周围围成一道人墙阻止其被砍伐。Punishment of the protesters was swift and severe.抗议者的惩罚迅速而严厉。The parade went off without a hitch, despite concern about protestors.尽管担心会遭遇抗议者,游行还是顺利进行了。Anti-European protesters challenged that decision.反对英国加入欧共体的抗议者对那个决定提出了质疑。Civil rights protestors called for an end to all segregation.民权抗议者呼吁彻底结束种族隔离制度。Police dispersed the protesters.警方驱散了抗议者Protestors were executed, jailed or otherwise persecuted.抗议者被处决、监禁或受到其他方式的迫害。The protesters were armed with rocks and petrol bombs.抗议者装备了石块和汽油弹。Angry protesters wanted to inflict vengeance on the killer.愤怒的抗议者想要对杀人犯进行报复。A few dozen protesters waved placards.几十个抗议者挥舞着标语牌。The protesters blocking the entrance to the offices remained defiant this morning.堵在办公室入口的抗议者今天早晨态度依然强硬。The mayor was confronted by a group of angry protesters.市长遇到了一群愤怒的抗议者Protesters marched in demonstration.抗议者游行示威。The protestors toppled a statue of King George III.抗议者推倒了国王乔治三世的一尊塑像。The police locked arms to form a barrier against the protesters.警察臂挽着臂组成一道人墙,阻挡抗议者Protesters angrily accused the police of violence and intimidation.抗议者愤怒地指责警方采用暴力和威胁手段。Several protesters were heckling the speaker at the rally.几名抗议者在集会上责问演讲者。Riot police used tear gas against the protestors.防暴警察使用催泪瓦斯对付抗议者The government's policy of imprisoning protesters had successfully squelched opposition.政府囚禁抗议者的政策成功地镇压了反对派。As protesters gathered, police stood by to keep order.抗议者们聚集起来时,警察严阵以待,准备维持秩序。The police fired on protesters in the square.警察向广场上的抗议者开枪。




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