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词汇 抗议
例句 She condemned the protest in strong terms.她以激烈的措辞谴责这场抗议The group protested the tobacco company's sponsorship of the tournament.那个团体抗议烟草公司对联赛的赞助。Many people raised their voices in protest. = Many voices were raised in protest.许多人高声呐喊抗议There has been another angry outburst against the new local tax introduced today.于今天开始实施的新地方税再次遭到人们愤怒的抗议When details of the deal became public, there was an outcry.交易细节被公之于众后,引发了强烈的抗议They were exercising their lawful right to protest.他们行使自己合法的抗议权利。They protested the inequitable treatment of employees.他们抗议对员工的不公平待遇。Outside, a group of students were protesting research cuts.外面有一群学生在抗议削减研究经费。The country's leaders boycotted the event in protest.这个国家的领导人都拒绝参加这项活动,以示抗议The protests were sparked by the firing of two restaurant employees.抗议是由解雇两名饭店雇员引发的。Students barricaded themselves in the cafeteria to protest university policies.学生们把自己关在自助餐厅里以此抗议学校的政策。Many people objected. Indeed, my uncle complained in writing.许多人都反对。事实上,我伯父还写了书面抗议Police waded into a crowd of protesters.警察介入,企图驱散抗议人群。None of our protests did a blind bit of good.我们的抗议一点帮助也没有。The protesters are rebelling against the new tax law.抗议者们正在抗议新税法。Whole districts were rioting in protest at mass unemployment.整个区域都爆发了骚乱,抗议大规模失业。They were protesting soaring prices.他们抗议物价暴涨。Donald Trump raised his hand in protest, but his voice was squelched by the angry yells from the crowd.川普举起手来抗议,但他的声音被群众慎怒的叫声压制。She gave a little whimper of protest.她呜咽着以示抗议Unless the man rescinds the punishment, students will launch a large-scale strike.除非这个人撤销处罚,否则学生们准备发动大规模的罢课抗议Protesting students occupied the university office for two weeks.抗议的学生占领大学办公楼达两个星期。The protest was a well-planned and carefully staged affair.这次抗议是经过精心计划、认真组织的事件。After two days of violent protests, the mayor appealed/pleaded for calm.暴力抗议持续两天之后,市长呼吁保持冷静。We received a flood of letters protesting against the change.我们收到大量的信件抗议这项改变。They protested the government's violation of human rights.他们抗议政府违反人权的做法。Despite protests, the official decision stood.尽管有人抗议,官方决定维持不变。It was a peaceful protest – there was no violence or anything.这是一次和平的抗议,没有暴力或其他什么。There is no question but that there will be some protest about his decision.毫无疑问,他的决定将会招致一些抗议The incident stirred students to protest.这一事件激起了学生的抗议They called a demonstration to protest against proposed job cuts.他们召集了示威游行来抗议削减工作机会的提议。Can violence ever be a justifiable method of protest?暴力可以成为一种正当的抗议手段吗?Despite an outcry, the university refused to change its admission policies.尽管许多人抗议,这所大学还是拒绝更改招生政策。Officials used guard dogs to eject the protesters.官员们用警犬驱散抗议人群。The US ambassador was recalled to Washington in protest.美国把大使召回华盛顿以示抗议He blithely ignored her protests and went on talking.对她的抗议他充耳不闻,继续侃侃而谈。She sputtered an angry protest.她语无伦次地提出愤怒的抗议They gathered to protest against the renaissance of the extreme right.他们聚集起来抗议极右势力的复活。They say they have nothing to lose and will continue protesting until the government vetos the agreement.他们说自己是死猪不怕开水烫,将会继续抗议直到政府否决该协议为止。Recent protests in the north of the country point up the dilemma the opposition forces are in.近来该国北部地区发生的抗议表明反政府军处于进退维谷的局面。The situation reached a flash point when union leaders urged the workers to protest.工会领袖号召工人抗议,形势一触即发。




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