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词汇 moderately
例句 The medicine is only moderately effective against coughs.这个药对咳嗽的疗效很一般。Share prices on the Tokyo Exchange declined moderately.东京股票交易所的股价小幅下跌。Most of the church members drink only moderately or abstain completely.大多数教会成员只喝少量酒或完全不喝酒。Bake in a moderately hot oven.放进烤箱里用中等温度烘烤。He did moderately well in the exams.他考得还算不错。I don't smoke and I drink only moderately.我不吸烟,酒量也一般。Being even moderately overweight increases your risk of developing high blood pressure.即使是轻度超重也会增加患高血压的风险。On the part of the government, the keynote of a moderately tight macro-economic policy will not be changed.就政府而言,适度从紧的宏观经济政策基调不会改变。Cook the chicken over moderately high heat for three minutes.将鸡肉用中高档火烹制三分钟。The operation is a moderately difficult one to perform.这手术施行起来的难度一般。It's a moderately entertaining film but it's certainly not a must-see.这部电影娱乐性还不错,但肯定不是非看不可的。At most, all they would accomplish was tracking down one moderately corrupt police lieutenant. It seemed a poor catch.他们充其量只是查到一名贪腐情节轻微的警察尉官。这一成绩有点拿不出手。The food was only moderately good - nothing special.食物只能算是过得去,没什么特别之处。The company makes and retails moderately priced sportswear.这家公司生产和零售价格适中的运动服。While his career as a pro football player was moderately successful, he certainly wasn't famous.他作为职业足球运动员的生涯还算成功,但他绝对算不上出名。Both hotels are moderately priced.两家酒店价格都适中。She did moderately well in her final examinations.她期终考试还算好。The dollar rose moderately in early trading.在早先的交易中,美元略有上扬。We tried to find a more moderately priced hotel.我们想尽量找一家价位更适中的酒店。Both are moderately large insects.两个都是中等大小的昆虫。They lived moderately.他们生活有节制。




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