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词汇 thumbed
例句 These books were badly thumbed.这些书都给翻烂了。We stood by the roadside and thumbed a lift.我们站在路边竖起拇指请求搭便车。He thumbed through the directory to look for her number.他翻阅电话号码簿找寻她的号码。He thumbed through the book again to look for the bookmark.他又翻了一遍书,想找到那张书签。He has thumbed his nose at authority all his life.他一生都藐视权威。He couldn't afford the fare; he thumbed his way all over Europe.他付不起车费,于是他搭便车走遍欧洲。He thumbed his way to New York.他搭便车去了纽约。Gloria lay on her bed and idly thumbed through the pages of a travel brochure.格洛丽亚躺在床上无所事事地翻阅一本旅行手册。Only twice have umpires thumbed him out of a game.裁判们只有两次伸拇指示意他退出比赛。She thumbed through pictorials to cheat time.她翻阅画报,借以消磨时间。She thumbed through the big loose-leaf binder.她匆匆翻阅那本大活页夹。I was subjected to the usual baleful glare as my passport was thumbed through and stamped.在护照被翻看并盖章时,我像平常一样被那种威胁性的目光注视着。She thumbed her nose at my suggestions.她对我的提议不屑一顾。It may interest you to know that a boy answering Rory's description thumbed a ride to Howth.你或许会对这个消息感兴趣,有个和罗里描述的一模一样的小男孩搭便车到了霍斯。I thumbed through a magazine while I waited.在等候时,我翻了翻杂志。。Hundreds of tourists have thumbed their noses at the travel restrictions.许多游客对种种旅游限制嗤之以鼻。He has always thumbed his nose at the media.他对媒体一直都嗤之以鼻。He thumbed across the country.他用搭便车的方式穿越了这个国家。He thumbed his hat off his forehead.他用拇指把遮到额头的帽子往上一顶。I thumbed a ride/lift to school.我搭了便车去上学。He thumbed through a couple of pages, feigning just a slight interest.他随手翻了几页,假装兴趣不大。




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