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词汇 thumped
例句 He thumped his head on the floor when he fell out of bed.他掉下床时,头砰的一声撞在地板上。He thumped my shoulder affectionately, nearly knocking me over.他亲热地捶了一下我的肩膀,差点把我打倒。He thumped his cup down on the table.他把茶杯重重地放在桌子上。The villain thumped me on the head.那个恶棍在我头上重重一击。He thumped into bed and went to sleep.他重重往床上一倒便睡着了。The speaker ranted and thumped the table.演讲人大叫大嚷并用拳头捶桌子。He thumped the desk as he rammed his point home.他在强调要点时捶了一下桌子。She thumped up the stairs.她咚咚地走上楼梯。She thumped out of the door to show her anger.她砰砰地走出门去,以示愤怒。Suddenly he thumped the arm of the chair.忽然,他用拳头捶了一下椅子扶手。The car thumped along on a flat tyre.汽车的一只轮胎瘪了,摇摇晃晃地向前驶去。He thumped out a tune on the old piano.他在那架旧钢琴上奏出了一首响亮的曲子。He thumped Jack hard in the face.他挥拳狠狠地打杰克的脸。The shutters thumped the wall in the wind.风吹著百叶窗撞在墙上发出砰砰声响。Some fathers might have ranted and thumped the table.有些父亲可能已经发脾气拍桌子了。He thumped him in the face.他一拳狠狠打在他的脸上。The kitchen door opened, feet thumped up the stairs.厨房门开了,只听见脚步声噔噔噔地上楼。The band thumped out a merry German waltz.乐队响亮地奏出一支欢快的德国圆舞曲。I thumped him on the back.我从背后捶了他一拳。Bush thumped the podium to emphasize every word.布什举起拳头敲击讲台,以此来加强每一个字的语气。The brick thumped against the tree.砖头嘭的一声打在那棵树上。The suitcase thumped on to the floor.提箱砰的一声落地。She thumped her hand on the witness box.她抬手重重地砸在证人席上。She thumped the desk with her fist.她用拳头猛捶桌子。He was thumped by another child at school.他在学校被另一个孩子给揍了。He thumped his fist down onto the table.他用拳头猛捶桌子。Mike thumped Stephanie's back several times to stop her choking.斯蒂芬妮噎住了,迈克给她的背捶了几下让她好起来。Maria thumped her bag down on the table.玛丽亚砰的一声把包扔在桌子上。His feet thumped loudly on the bare boards.他的脚走在光光的地板上咚咚地响。The box thumped on to the floor.箱子砰的一声落到地板上。The boat thumped against the side of the pier.船砰的一声撞到了桥墩上。She thumped the table with her fist.她伸出拳头砸在桌子上。




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