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词汇 thugs
例句 He was beaten up by a gang of young thugs.他遭到一群年轻恶棍的痛打。The thugs beat him with baseball bats and left him for dead at the side of the road.一帮流氓用棒球棍殴打他,把他扔在路边等死。The violence was blamed on thugs exploiting the situation.暴力事件归咎于暴徒利用了这一局面。Two thugs clubbed him with baseball bats.两个暴徒用棒球棒猛击他。He was beaten and robbed by street thugs.他被街头暴徒殴打并抢劫。He'd been beaten black and blue by a gang of thugs.他被一帮恶棍打得身上青一块紫一块的。The court heard how the man was beaten to death by racist thugs.法庭听取了这名男子被种族主义暴徒打死的经过。You have to be tough with these young thugs.对这些年纪轻轻的暴徒态度一定要强硬。The local government dispatched police and thugs to clear her family out, before leveling the property.地方政府派警察和暴徒把她一家人赶走,然后推平了她的房子。There were several thugs at him simultaneously.有几个暴徒同时向他扑过去。The thugs gave him a thorough going-over.暴徒们把他毒打了一顿。Officials fear some of the thugs identified by British police may have slipped through the net.官员们担心一些被英国警方指认的罪犯可能已经漏网。He edged away from the thugs.他慢慢走开,躲过那些暴徒。The town has been plagued by armed thugs who have looted food supplies and terrorized the population.武装暴徒抢掠食物、恐吓群众,该镇居民深受其苦。Three young thugs had set about him.三个年轻的暴徒殴打了他。Apparently he had been unfortunate enough to fall victim to a gang of thugs.他显然不幸落入了一群歹徒之手。The thugs jumped him in a dark alley.歹徒们在一条黑乎乎的胡同里向他突然袭击。He encouraged other thugs to pelt police.他教唆其他暴徒扔东西袭击警察。The thugs robbed him and left him under bare poles.恶棍们抢了他,连衣服都给剥光了。The thugs beat it when the police came.警察赶到时暴徒们逃之夭夭。He defended her from these thugs.他保护了她,没让这些流氓伤害到她。They are too frightened to speak out against the gun-toting thugs.他们非常害怕,不敢公开抗议持枪暴徒。Some thugs smashed his windows.几个恶棍打碎了他的窗户。It makes my blood boil to think two thugs decided to pick on an innocent young girl.一想到两个恶棍要刁难一位年轻纯真姑娘我就怒火中烧。Call off your thugs, and I'll show you where the money is.叫你那帮暴徒走开,我会告诉你钱在哪里。A gang of thugs was waiting for him round the back. He didn't have a chance.一伙暴徒在后面等着他,他没有机会了。The thugs set at him from every side.暴徒们从四面八方向他袭来。The poor man received a savage beating from the thugs.那可怜的人被暴徒们毒打了一顿。A policeman is fighting for his life after young thugs threw a brick through his patrol car windscreen.有年轻暴徒向巡逻车的挡风玻璃扔了一块砖头,一名警察生命垂危。Darkness afforded chances to thugs and robbers to go amuck.一片漆黑造成盗贼横行的机会。The thugs beat him senseless with a baseball bat.暴徒用棒球棒把他打得失去了知觉。He was beaten silly by thugs.他被一群暴徒打得神志不清。The jackbooted thugs can arrest you without bothering to accuse you of a crime.那些穿长筒军靴的暴徒不用指控你什么罪名就可以逮捕你。It's a sad indictment of society that policemen are regarded as easy targets by thugs.警察很容易就成了暴徒下手袭击的对象,这是一个社会的悲哀。They say they're a moral, religious regime, but in fact they're nothing but a bunch of bullies and thugs.他们自称是一个有道德的宗教政权,但事实上他们不过是一群欺压百姓的暴徒。We found ourselves surrounded by a gang of vicious young thugs, armed with belts, sticks and stones.我们发现自己被一伙凶残的年轻暴徒包围了,他们手里拿着皮带、棍子和石块。He was beaten up by a gang of thugs.他让一伙流氓给暴打了一顿。




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