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词汇 at that
例句 I was going to sleep and at that very instant the telephone rang.我刚要入睡,就在那时电话铃响了。I was surprised that the train was half empty at that time of day.我很吃惊,这个时间段的火车上竟然会有一半的位置空着。She was at that in-between age, neither a girl nor a woman.她的年龄介于两者之间,既不是女孩也不是妇女。It is unhygienic to store raw meat at that temperature.在那种温度下存放生肉是不卫生的。He was obsessively worrying at that one little spot on his arm.他执着地抠着胳膊上的小块红斑。It was pure chance that I arrived at that moment.我在那一刻到达纯属巧合。Just at that moment, the baby started crying.就在那时,宝宝哭了起来。She'd been offered the chair in chemistry at that university where she was already a lecturer.她原任该大学讲师,现已被聘任为化学教授。Just look at that dress she's wearing!瞧瞧她穿的那条连衣裙!It was quite an understood thing to us at that time.那在当时对我们来说是件心照不宣之事。If you fling yourself at that boy, he's likely to run away.如果你向那个小伙子献殷勤,他大概会逃掉。I heard him make a very eloquent speech at that dinner.在那次晚宴上,我听到他作了一番非常有说服力的陈词。You should be able to answer the question in a single sentence, and a short one at that.你应该能用一个句子,而且是一个简短的句子来回答这个问题。My mother was a good storyteller and a clever one at that.我母亲是个讲故事能手,而且也很聪明。They really fleeced us at that restaurant.那家餐厅收费太高了,简直是剥削。Look at that little boy trying to help! Bless!看那个试着帮忙的小男孩!哎呀,好可爱!It was really a bitter pill to swallow at that time.在当时,那真是一件不得不忍受的苦事。It was not feasible to build a bridge at that point.在那个地点造桥是不可行的。Everything at that store is priced fairly inexpensively.那家商店里的所有商品定价都相当便宜。A string of accidents happened at that corner.在那个转角发生了一连串的事故。The last paragraph contains an anachronism. The Holy Office no longer existed at that time.最后一段有一个时代错误。异端裁判所那时已经不存在了。He paints a vivid picture of what it was like to be a teenager in Glasgow at that time.他生动地描述了那个时期格拉斯哥青少年的生活。He saw his art as a way to communicate, indirectly, how it felt to be black in America at that time.他把自己的艺术作品看作是间接表达当时美国黑人感受的一种方式。The leader was in full flower at that time.那时是那个领导人的黄金时代。He was none too thrilled to hear from me at that hour.在那个钟点接到我的电话,他一点也兴奋不起来。Let me have a look at that bruise. Oh, that's a beaut!我来看看伤口。哎呀,真不轻呀!Just at that moment there was a knock on the door.就在那时,有人敲门了。I got food poisoning at that cheap little seafood restaurant.我在那家廉价的小海鲜馆就餐后食物中毒了。The plane would probably disintegrate at that high speed.那架飞机如以那么快的速度飞行,可能会破碎解体。That's an idea, and a good one at that.那倒是个主意,而且是个好主意。We've eaten at that restaurant once or twice. 我们在那家饭店吃过一两次饭。Why don't we meet at that little French bistro next door to the theater?我们就在剧院隔壁的那家法国小餐厅里碰面吧。The children were a great consolation to me at that time.那时孩子们成了我莫大的安慰。I haven't felt right since I ate that meal last night.昨晚自打我吃了那些东西,就一直感到很难受。A lighthouse must be built at that dangerous place.在那个容易出事的地方一定得修建灯塔。There was really no shame in losing to Norton at that stage of his career.他在职业生涯的那个阶段败给诺顿确实没有什么可羞愧的。It was at that time she started taking the contraceptive pill.她就是从那个时候开始服用避孕药的。Agassi was at that time ranked sixth in the world.阿加西当时排名世界第六。Life was full of interest at that time.那时,生活充满了趣味。Fess up - it was you who ate that last piece of cake, wasn't it?坦白吧,是你吃了最后一块蛋糕,对不对?




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