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例句 This room is fine except in one respect — what can I sit on?这房间不错,只是没地方可坐这一点不好。Criticism just undermines their confidence.批评只是削弱了他们的信心。She did not speak the words, but instead whispered them inside her head.她没有把这些话出来,只是在心里悄悄地说。I was lucky to find him at the airfield. I only went on the off chance.我在飞机场找到他真是运气。我只是抱着万一的希望去的。A lot of what is said by politicians is just doubletalk.政客们所说的许多话只是模棱两可的欺人之谈。The experiment is meant only to provide a baseline for other studies.这个实验只是为其他研究提供研究基准。All I had to do was be halfway cool.我要做的只是保持适度的冷静。She was touched that he had come only to see her.他来只是为了看她,这令她很感动。That singer can't last. He's a flash in the pan.那歌手不能持久,他只是昙花一现。We only dimly understood.我们只是隐约明白了。People were just standing round and not doing anything to help.旁边的人只是站着,也不做点什么帮一下。On physical examination, the baby is comfortable but has dusky lips.体检时,这名婴儿状态良好,只是嘴唇有些发紫。It was only a matter of time before someone found him out.他被人发现只是个时间问题。I'm just trying to look out for you.只是想要为你着想。Aren't you are being a little rough on him? He is only a child.你别对他那么粗暴,行吗?他只是个孩子。Is it just my imagination, or is it getting warm in here?只是我的幻觉,还是这里真的变暖和了?Maybe they just didn't want to ask too many questions, because they rented us a room without even asking to see our papers.也许他们只是懒得问太多的问题,因为他们都没要求看我们的证件就把一个房间租给我们了。The president's speech had simply fogged the issue.总统的讲话只是让问题越发不清楚了。The South is now only a shade behind the rest of the affluent United States.与美国其他富庶的地方相比,南方现在只是略微落后。The road ahead looks wet, but in fact this is an optical illusion.前方的路面看上去湿漉漉的,但实际上那只是视错觉。People said I choked, but I just had a bad day on the golf course.他们说我发挥失常,其实我只是这天在高尔夫球场上运气不好罢了。Interviewers dislike candidates who just sit there and waffle instead of answering the questions.主持面试的人不喜欢那种不回答问题、只是坐在那里胡扯的求职者。When he poked his tongue at the press, it was just a young boy's natural naughtiness.他冲着媒体记者们伸舌头,只是出于小男孩顽皮的天性。I just popped in for a quick drink.只是顺路过来小酌一杯。I only wanted to add one little rider to what you were saying.只是想对你说的附加一点意见。The problems only got worse with the passage of time.随着时间的推移,问题只是变得更糟了。The company sought nothing more than rote agreement.这家公司要求得到的只是例行的同意。She said she would leave him, but he knew it was an idle/empty threat. 她说她会离开他,但他知道那只是空口威胁。One well-timed word from you will be all it needs.现在需要的只是你一句适时的话。The argument was just part of their act.争吵只是他们表演中的一部分。The situation is still retrievable—but only just.局势仍可挽回,但也只是勉勉强强。Yes, it's raining, but it's only a drizzle.是的,下雨了,但只是毛毛细雨。I'm just covering for Mrs Tyler, so please bear with me.只是接替泰勒夫人的工作,所以请你将就着点。You know he's just using you.你知道他只是在利用你。The gene is only part of the causation of illness.基因只是一部分致病原因。I thought I heard her voice, but I guess it was just a figment of my imagination.我以为我听到了她的声音,但现在想来那只是我的想象罢了。Having a successful career has proved a hollow victory and hasn't given them much satisfaction.拥有成功的事业被证明只是表面的胜利,实际上并没有给予他们多少成就感。Life would be only a series of such sorry revelations for him.对他说来,生活将只是一次又一次类似令人无奈又悲哀的真相的显露。It rained last night, but it was just a sprinkle.昨天夜里下了雨,但只是毛毛细雨。Some people managed to sleep, but most of us just dozed fitfully.有些人睡着了,但我们大部分人只是间歇地打了一会盹。




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