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词汇 misread
例句 I had to look twice and cross-check with another file to make sure I hadn't misread it.我得检查两遍,并且还要根据另一份文件来反复核对以确保我没有误读。Mothers may also misread signals and think the baby is crying because he is hungry.母亲也可能会对宝宝发出的信号产生误解,以为他哭闹是因为肚子饿了。They have misread the lessons of the past.他们错误理解了过去的教训。I was given the wrong tablets when the pharmacist misread my prescription.药剂师看错了我的处方,给错了药。I had completely misread his intentions.我完全误解了他的意图。You couldn't be more mistaken, Alex. You've utterly misread the situation.亚历克斯,你真是大错特错,你对局势的判断根本不对。He misread the label and poured sugar instead of salt into the saltshaker.他看错了标签,把糖而不是盐倒进了盐瓶。I badly misread the situation.我严重地误判了形势。The government largely misread the mood of the electorate.政府在很大程度上误读了选民的情绪。Unfortunately, we misread the situation and lost a lot of sales.遗憾的是,我们看错形势,失去了很多生意。The exam went pretty well, except that I misread the final question.我考试考得很好,不过我看错了最后一道题。I think she misread the situation.我想她是错误地估计了形势。His chauffeur misread his route and took a wrong turning.他的司机看错路线,拐错了弯。He had misread a road sign and taken the wrong turning.他看错路标拐错了方向。He misread her remark as an insult.他把她的话误解为一种侮辱。I guess I misread the instructions.我想我可能看错了说明书。The doctor must have misread the notes.医生一定是看错了记录。I thought he liked me, but I'd completely misread the signals.我想他喜欢我,但我完全误解了那些暗示。He saw me hesitate and misread the situation.他看到我犹豫就对情况产生了误解。He misread the sentence twice before getting it right.他把句子读错两遍之后才读对。Politicians may have misread the mood of the public.政治家们可能误解了公众的情绪。They largely misread the mood of the electorate.他们很大程度上误读了选民的意图。The government largely misread the mood of the electorate.政府在很大程度上没有弄清楚全体选民的情绪。




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