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词汇 家庭
例句 With today's more efficient contraception women can plan their families and careers.如今有了更加有效的避孕方法,女性便可以规划她们的家庭和事业。The allowances were for the benefit of the family as a whole.这种补助金是对整个家庭的补助。In a traditional Chinese family, patriarchy often reigns supreme.传统的中国家庭中,父权是不容挑战的。They wish same-sex couples to be recognised as families.他们希望同性伴侣建立的家庭可以得到认可。The family's request for help went unanswered.这个家庭发出的求助没有回应。He was from an ordinary Scotch-Irish family.他生于一个普通的苏格兰-爱尔兰家庭My career is important, but my family comes first.我的事业固然重要,但家庭还是第一位的。She came from a stable, comfortable, middle-class family.她出身于一个收入稳定、生活宽裕的中产阶级家庭Christian came from a long line of English country gentlemen.克里斯琴出身于历史悠久的英国乡绅家庭Family values are suddenly the name of the game.家庭价值观突然变得重要起来。They made thousands of families homeless without scruple.他们肆无忌惮地使成千上万个家庭流离失所。Born to a poverty-stricken family, she dragged herself out of the gutter to become a successful business owner.她出生在一个极度贫困的家庭,但是她从社会最底层奋力挣扎出来,成功地拥有了自己的公司。His home life was a refuge from the pressures of his political life.他的家庭是他缓解政治生活压力的避难所。The children gradually began to accept her as one of the family.孩子们逐渐接纳她为家庭中的一员。She has never experienced life beyond the confines of her own close-knit family.她从未经历过她自己那紧密团结的家庭以外的生活。She is now looking for paid work outside the home.她正在寻找家庭以外能赚钱的工作。The facilities had been conceived with families in mind.在构思设计这些设施时已把家庭考虑在内了。The program has lived up to its promise to promote family welfare.这个项目恪守了其改善家庭福利的承诺。Her life is a constant juggling act, coping with career, family, and home life single-handed.她的生活一直不容易,独自一人同时应对事业和家庭Families earning below a certain amount can claim child support.收入不足一定数额的家庭可以申领子女抚养费。He's always been regarded as the black sheep of the family.他总是被看成这个家庭的不肖之子。The family kept emergency supplies available.这户家庭备有随时可以取用的应急物品。In common with many mothers, she feels torn between her family and her work.与许多母亲一样,她觉得家庭与工作难以兼顾。We have seen too many instances in which poor families have had to leave their homes.我们已看到太多穷困家庭不得不背井离乡的事例。The president signed a bill that will help more families move from welfare to work.总统签署了一项帮助更多家庭从享受福利救济转向就业的议案。I need to consider my family before I make my decision.我必须先考虑家庭之后再作决定。He asked about her family.他询问了她的家庭情况。I really admire Gina for her dedication to her family.我十分佩服吉娜对家庭的奉献精神。Regrettably we have to house families in these inadequate flats.很遗憾,我们不得不在这些拥挤的公寓中安置这些家庭The family was plunged into the media spotlight.这个家庭突然被置于媒体的聚光灯下。The only reason I didn't become a professional golfer was because of my family commitments.我没有成为职业高尔夫球手的唯一原因就是我要照顾家庭The families soon discovered that every piece of information had to be dragged out of the authorities.这些家庭很快发现每条消息都得从有关当局口中套出来。Stress at home affects how you perform at work.家庭的压力影响人们在工作中的表现。Televisions began to take the place of radios in most families' homes.在大多数家庭里,电视开始取代收音机。My personal involvement with him and his family is deep.我个人和他以及他的家庭瓜葛很深。The room is now used as a home office. = They now use the room as a home office.这个房间目前用作家庭办公室。What alchemy had this governess worked on the boy?这个家庭女教师在男孩身上施过什么法术了?The family possessed an extensive library.这个家庭有大量的藏书。They're a very musical family.他们是一个非常喜爱音乐的家庭The family's medical costs have increased in the past year.这个家庭去年的医疗开支增加了。




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