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词汇 at night
例句 Several watchmen police the factory at night.几名警卫在夜间守卫工厂。The TV crews couldn't film at night.该电视摄制组无法在夜间拍摄。I wont to listen to the music at night.我常常夜里听音乐。Why do we take the flag down at night, when we just have to put it up again in the morning?既然我们早上还得把旗升上去,那晚上又为什么要把它降下来呢?I used to lie awake at night wondering what had happened to her.夜里我经常会躺着无法入睡想知道她出了什么事情。I always made sure I had the taxi fare home at night.我总是确保自己身上有晚上打车回家的车费。We know the rapist stalks his victims at night.我们知道那个强奸犯在夜间偷偷地跟踪受害人。At one time she wanted to be a nurse, but the thought of working at night put her off.她曾经想当一名护士,但想到上夜班她就退却了。We don't let the cat out at night.我们晚上不把猫放出去。Many children will cling to a soft blanket or toy as a substitute for their mother at night.许多小孩子夜里会抱着软软的毛毯或玩具代替他们的母亲。People close their windows at night in a vain attempt to shut out the sound of gunfire.夜里人们关上窗户,却挡不住那隆隆的炮声。It's eleven o'clock at night.现在是夜里十一点。The fits usually occur at night.这种病一般在晚上发作。Angry neighbours say they are regularly kept awake by guests leaving the hotel late at night.愤怒的邻居说,夜里很晚离开酒店的客人经常把他们吵醒。It's one of those arts programmes late at night.这是深夜播放的艺术类节目之一。Thieves broke into the manor at night.小偷们夜间闯入了庄园主的宅第。I don't ride the subway late at night.我不在深夜坐地铁。The traditional method is to enter the exchanges at night and connect the wires.传统的办法是晚上进入电话局,把线连上。The sun comes up in the morning and goes down at night.太阳朝起夕落。Fred and Volodia sweltered at night in the stuffy, crowded cabins.弗雷德和博洛迪亚晚上挤在不通风的船舱里热得要命。The veranda had heavy wooden rain doors that were kept closed at night.走廊装有厚重的木制防雨门,夜里会锁上。It's difficult for teachers to switch off when they go home at night.当老师的晚上回到家里之后很难做到不去想工作的事。I don't like walking home alone at night.我不喜欢晚上独自一人走回家。I like to have a hot drink last thing at night.我喜欢在晚上睡觉前喝一杯热饮。If headaches only occur at night, lack of fresh air and oxygen is often the cause.如果只是在晚上头疼,那常常是由于缺乏新鲜空气和氧气的缘故。I was unused to being awake so late at night.我不习惯晚上熬到这么晚。We seldom called out doctors at night.我们很少在夜间请医生来治病。They had been parachuted into the country at night.他们早已在夜里被空投到这个国家。A tripod also lets you shoot long exposures at night.三脚架也可以让你在晚上长时间曝光。Their pilots are guided by an infrared optical system that shows images clearly even at night.他们的飞行员使用红外光学系统导航,即便在夜晚也能清楚地显示影像。The post office was raided late at night.昨晚深夜邮局遭到抢劫。Bats sleep in the daytime and come out to hunt for food at night.蝙蝠白天睡觉,夜里才出来寻觅食物。The owl ventures abroad at night.猫头鹰在夜间出巢活动。Many people feared to go out at night.很多人不敢晚上出门。They counselled against travelling at night in such dangerous country.他们不主张在这么危险的地方人们还在夜晚出门旅行。The clock dial is illuminated at night.那只钟面是夜光的。It's eleven o'clock at night in Moscow.现在莫斯科是夜里十一点。She's studying English at night school so that she can go to university.她在夜校学英语以便能够上大学。I can't seem to get to sleep at night.我在夜间似乎无法入睡。My teenage daughter wears a special device at night to correct her bite.我十几岁的女儿每天晚上都戴一种特殊仪器来矫正咬合。




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