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词汇 to land
例句 The pilot was able to land the plane safely.飞行员有能力使飞机安全着陆。The delegation is scheduled to land in Beijing tomorrow morning.代表团定于明天上午抵达北京。By the grace of God, the pilot managed to land the damaged plane safely.蒙上帝开恩,飞行员成功地将受损的飞机安全降落。The pilot got clearance to land.飞行员获准着陆。The pilot requested permission to land.飞行员请求着陆。They had to land in enemy territory without any air cover. 他们不得不在没有空军掩护的情况下登陆敌军阵地。Lawsuits about titles to land often drag on for years without settlement.涉及土地所有权的官司常常会拖好几年还得不到解决。When I finish classes, I'm hoping to land a summer job as a chef's apprentice.我上完这些培训班之后,希望能谋得一份给厨师当学徒的暑期工。He was lucky to land a good job.他很幸运,找到一份好工作。The plane developed engine trouble and was forced to land.飞机出现引擎故障,被迫降落。He longed to land her a good smack in the face.他很想在她脸上亲个响吻。The plane deaccelerated as it came in to land.当飞机抵达着陆时便减速飞行。Some of these flood shelters are on raised platforms, which have allowed government helicopters to land amid the continuing floods.其中一些防洪棚搭建在高台上,高台可供政府的直升机在持续的洪水中降落。There was a good-sized crowd at the airport waiting for the plane to land.机场里有很多人在等候飞机降落。There's a plane coming in to land now.现在有一架飞机正要进港降落。The pilot managed to land the plane safely.飞行员成功使飞机安全着陆。The plane slowly came down to land.飞机缓缓降落了。He wanted to land his plane when the left engine of the plane stayed turning.当飞机左翼发动机停止转动时,他就想让飞机着陆。The vessels will have to land their catch at designated ports.渔船将不得不在指定的港口卸下捕获物。The balloon gradually lost altitude as we deflated it and came in to land.我们给气球放了气,它就渐渐降低高度,落到了地上。A helicopter was circling around, looking for somewhere to land.直升机盘旋着寻找降落地点。They were coming in to land on the north coast of Crete.他们将从克里特岛北岸登陆。The pilot decided to land, but as we lost altitude the wind became stronger.飞行员决定着陆,但随着我们越飞越低,风变得越来越大。The plane is orbiting over the field, waiting for the signal to land.飞机在绕机场盘旋,等待降落的信号。The pilot was able to land the plane on the runway.飞行员得以使飞机在跑道上着陆。We radioed London for permission to land.我们用无线电请求伦敦准予降落。Simon always manages to land on his feet.西蒙总是能化险为夷。Thai Airways said the plane had been given clearance to land.泰国航空公司说,该飞机已经得到降落许可。The aircraft is letting down to land.飞机正向地面下降。The pilot was forced to land when one of the plane's engines caught fire.飞机的一只引擎着火后,飞行员不得不进行迫降。The flight/plane/pilot was cleared to land. = The flight/plane/pilot was cleared for landing. 这个航班/这架飞机/这位驾驶员已得到着陆许可。There are plans to enlarge the runway to enable jumbo jets to land.有计划扩建飞机跑道让大型客机可以降落。The pilot had to land the jet in a field.飞行员不得不把喷气式飞机降落在一片田野中。I didn't mean to land you with so much extra work.我本意不是要把这么多的额外任务推给你。The pilot then began a desperate race against time to land the plane before it ran out of fuel.于是飞行员开始争分夺秒,力争在燃油用光之前着陆。His carelessness is going to land him in trouble.他那粗心大意的毛病就要给自己带来麻烦。The plane continued to circle the airport, waiting for permission to land.飞机继续在机场上空盘旋,等待得到允许降落的命令。The tiny young drift on the ocean currents, until a few are lucky enough to land in a suitable place and begin a new life.幼小的生命随洋流漂来漂去,直到有一些幸运地登上合适的土地,开始新生活。Because of the snow, the pilot had to land the plane at an airport in another city.由于大雪,飞行员只得把飞机降落到另一座城市的一个飞机场。The nose of the plane dipped as we came in to land.我们开始准备着陆时,飞机机头向下倾斜。




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