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例句 German intelligence expected Japan to launch a surprise attack on the US, and Pearl Harbor was the likely target.德国情报机构预计日本会对美国发动突袭,袭击目标可能是珍珠港。The manager decided to launch a sales drive.经理决定展开一次促销活动。They were waiting for daylight to launch the attack.他们等着天亮发动攻击。Nissan is about to launch a nationwide campaign for its new range of cars.日产公司将要为它的新车系列开展一场全国性的广告宣传活动。It is extremely difficult to launch a new product in the face of cutthroat competition from rival producers.面对竞争对手们异常激烈的竞争,要开发一种新产品是极其困难的。It's time to launch out and expand my horizons.是该我开始新生活、开阔眼界的时候了。A spokesman for the dockyard said they hoped to launch the first submarine within two years.船厂发言人说他们希望在两年内让第一艘潜艇下水。The worst reason to launch an attack would be a fear of seeming irresolute.因为担心看上去优柔寡断而发动攻击,这样的理由是最糟糕的。They plan to launch an expedition into the mountains.他们计划发起一次山区探险。Yesterday, as had been expected, the government announced its intention to launch a public enquiry.不出所料,昨天政府宣布准备进行公开调查。The carmaker is almost ready to launch out a new model in September.汽车制造商将于九月投产新型汽车。There was no time to launch the lifeboats because the ferry capsized with such alarming speed.渡船以惊人的速度倾覆,根本来不及放救生艇下水。The country is all set to launch the spacecraft.该国已作好发射飞船的充分准备。The Canadian police plan to launch an investigation into the deal.加拿大警方计划对这宗交易展开调查。The US says it is prepared to launch a pre-emptive strike with nuclear weapons if it is threatened.美国称已作好准备,一旦受到威胁,会以核武器实施先发制人的打击。Danni decided to come to England to launch her singing career.丹妮决定到英格兰发展她的歌唱事业。Nike is ready to launch new models of tennis shoes on the market in autumn.耐克公司准备于秋季将新款网球鞋投放市场。The city authorities have decided to launch an inquiry into the incident.市政当局决定着手调查这一事件。Allied forces were regrouping in order to launch a counter-attack.盟军正在重新部署军队以发动反击。They're about to launch a campaign to unionize workers at all major supermarkets in the area.他们准备发起一场运动,号召本地区所有大型超市的员工都加入工会。The army is about to launch a major offensive.陆军部队即将发动一次大规模进攻。He was the personification of evil required to launch a crusade.他是邪恶力量的象征,是发起运动的因由。The fact that he is gone has given more weight to fears that he may try to launch a civil war.他已经离开这一事实让人更担心他会发动一场内战。The government is to launch a new building programme in an attempt to solve the housing crisis.政府即将推出一个新的建房方案,试图解决住房危机。The company hopes to launch the new drug by next October.公司希望于明年十月前推出这种新药。China is planning to launch a space rocket later this month.中国计划于本月稍后时间发射一枚太空火箭。It was too late to launch a rescue mission.当时展开救援行动已经太晚了。Congress is to launch an inquiry into discriminatory acts by immigration officials.国会准备对移民官员的歧视行为进行调查。We're going to launch a big recruitment drive in the spring.我们将在春季进行大规模招募。They asked the British to launch a diversionary attack on the north coast.他们要求英国人在北部海岸发动佯攻。They managed to launch on a new business.他们设法创办了一个新的企业。The company plans to use the show as a platform to launch the new soft drink.公司计划以这次展出作为平台推广新的软饮料。They plan to launch an air offensive before sending in ground troops.他们打算在派出地面部队之前先发动空中攻势。William joined forces with businessman Nicholas Court to launch the new vehicle.威廉和企业家尼古拉斯·考特联手推出这款新车。Marks & Spencer recently hired model Linda Evangelista to launch its new range.玛莎百货最近聘请模特儿琳达·埃万杰利斯塔为其发布新系列产品。The Red Army bided their time to launch a counterattack.红军按兵不动,伺机发动反击。In the wake of a cabinet reshuffle, the new Premier is ready to launch his new policies.在内阁重组之后,新总理即将展开他的新政。Teachers, artists, and other intellectuals urged political parties to launch a united movement against the government.教师、艺术家和其他知识分子敦促各政党发起抵制政府的联合运动。The shipyard voted to launch a sympathy strike in support of the machinists.造船厂投票决定举行罢工,以声援机械师。The company is expected to launch several new products next year.公司有望在明年将几种新产品投放市场。




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