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He would rap at the desk when he had difficulty working out a math problem.他做数学题遇到困难时往往要敲书桌。I've only been out of school a couple of years, but I've forgotten all the math I learned.我离开学校不过几年时间,可是以前学的数学全都忘了。Kathy had hard sledding in her math course because she was poorly prepared.凯西的数学很难进步,因为她的基础太差。American children did less well in math than their peers in Japan.美国儿童的数学成绩比不上日本的同龄儿童。They say school is just as important for teaching children social codes and conventions as for teaching math.他们说学校教给孩子各种社会准则和规范与教数学同样重要。They achieved high scores on their math tests.他们在数学考试中取得了高分。He's good at all his subjects and he's particularly good at math.他擅长所有的科目,尤其是数学。She does well in math but badly in history.她数学很好,但历史很差。Go to your room and do your math homework before you start watching TV.回到你的房间去,做完数学作业才开始看电视。When the math teacher asked a question in class, he really caught me napping because I was not listening at all.当数学老师在课堂上提问时,我措手不及,因为我当时根本就没在听。Anybody can work out that simple math problem.无论谁都会算那道简单的数学题。I am poor at math.我的数学很差。The solutions to the math problems are in the back of the book.这些数学题的答案附在书后。Thirty dollars an hour is the going rate for a math tutor.数学家教的现行收费是三十美元一小时。I'm trying to get my math skills up to snuff.我在努力使自己的数学技能达标。He's been struggling in math class for most of the year.这一年的大部分时间他都在数学课上挣扎。If my math is correct, the result ought to be zero.如果我算得对的话,结果应该是零。We need not have worried about the math exam. It was a piece of cake.我们本不必担心数学考试,实际上很容易。Too much money is being spent on peripheral programs when our kids can't read or do basic math.无关紧要的项目上花费太多,而我们的孩子连阅读和基本的数学运算都不会。He shaved through the math exam.他勉强通过了数学考试。We're in the same class for math.我们在同一个班里上数学课。Students with a strong math background will be at an advantage next year when the statistics course starts.数学学得好的学生明年上统计课就有优势了。Many of the students are weak in math and science.很多学生都不擅长数学和自然科学。New students are tested in math and reading, and placed in the appropriate class.新生须进行数学和阅读测试,然后分配到合适的班级。In high school, she was placed in advanced math and science classes.上高中时,她被安排学习高等数学和自然科学课程。Those math problems made me dizzy.那些数学题弄得我晕头转向。The object of the game is to improve children's math skills.这项游戏的目的是要提高儿童的数学技能。She just squeaked through her math test.她数学测验只是勉强及格。She's struggling in math.她在奋力学数学。The exercises let students discover math concepts on their own.这些练习让学生自己发现数学概念。She is studying for her math/spelling/history test.她正在准备数学/拼写/历史测验。He is a wizard at math.他是个数学奇才。She worked out the math problem by herself.她独自一人算出了这道数学题。Dad said he'd see about the math teacher's unreasonable cruelty.爸说他会料理数学老师不合理的残忍行为。I really liked my eighth grade math teacher.我非常喜欢八年级时的数学老师。I'm stuck on this math problem.我被这道数学题难住了。She got good grades in math, but English was another story. 她数学成绩好,但英语则完全不同。He's okay at math, but he really likes history.他数学学得还行,但他真正喜欢的是历史。I pride myself on my math skills. 我对自己的数学才能感到得意。These math problems are impossible!这些数学题太难了! |