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词汇 mates
例句 Instead of retaliating, he walks away leaving his team-mates to fight it out.他没有以牙还牙,而是径直走开,让队友去争出个结果。Peacocks use their beautiful tails to attract mates.孔雀用美丽的尾巴来吸引配偶。Yep, I'm just saying goodnight to my mates.知道啦,我在跟朋友说晚安。I'm going out with my mates tonight.今天晚上我要跟朋友们出去。He felt he had failed his team-mates.他觉得辜负了队友们的信任。Quarterback Brady Anderson was injured in an unfortunate collision with one of his team-mates.四分卫布雷迪·安德森与队友相撞,不幸受伤。My mates think I'm minted.我的哥们儿认为我很有钱。This species of bird mates in early spring.这种鸟每年开春时交尾。When he refused to join the strike, Joe's mates sent him to Coventry for three weeks.乔拒绝参加罢工后,他的伙伴就三个星期不跟他讲话了。I got quite a lot of ribbing from my team-mates.队友们经常开我的玩笑。He's over there, talking to his mates.他正在那儿和朋友说话。She said she would go mates with Bill.她说她将成为比尔的伙伴。They rang their mates to commiserate after the game.赛后他们给同伴打了电话表示慰问。He was joined there by several team-mates as they fell into convulsions of laughter.几名队友笑得前仰后合,聚到他身边。There's nothing better than having a kickabout in the park with your mates.没有比和伙伴们在公园里踢球更好玩的事了。We've been mates since our school days.我们从学生时代起就是朋友。We want you to give us the low-down on your team-mates.我们希望你告诉我们你的队友的真实情况。Women become as powerful in the marketplace as their mates.在商界女性变得和她们的另一半一样强大。We played pool together and were good mates.我们一起打过台球,是好哥们儿。He always goes to the pub with his mates on Friday night.每逢周五晚他总是和他那帮朋友去酒馆喝酒。They direct their blindfolded team-mates around an obstacle course.他们指引着蒙上眼睛的队友沿障碍赛跑道而行。Steve and I became soul mates, near-constant companions.我和史蒂夫成了知己,几乎时刻相伴。We are a hard working lot, me and my mates.我和我的伙伴都属于工作卖力的那种人。You get home from a drunken night out with your mates.你和同伴在外面喝了一夜酒后回到家。These conditions are extremely unfavourable to women who seek long-term mates.这些条件对寻找长期伴侣的妇女极为不利。I am not lonely, having so many soul mates around.有那么多知音在周围,我不感到孤独。Me and a couple of mates of mine went round to the pub.我和几个朋友一起去酒吧了。Many kinds of insect find their mates by scent.许多昆虫通过气味找到交配对象。At first I couldn't believe it. I thought it was a wind-up by one of my mates.一开始我不相信,以为是哪个伙伴在故意逗我。They were persuaded onstage for a laugh by their mates.他们被伙伴们说服,上台一乐。Male birds compete for territories and mates.雄鸟会争夺地盘和爱侣。Instead of retaliating, he walks away, leaving his team-mates to fight it out.他没有还击,而是离开了,留下他的队友们去决一胜负。She and I have been best mates for ages.她和我老早就是最好的朋友了。I went down the pub with my mates.我和同伴去了酒吧。Smokers and nonsmokers are paired up as room-mates.吸烟者和不吸烟者被安排住在一起。In the days that followed, Keith and his mates could talk of nothing else.在随后的日子里,基思和他的伙伴们谈论的全是这件事。He squealed on his mates.他告发了他的伙伴。He found himself separated from his mates.他发现自己与伙伴们分开了。The males guard their mates zealously.雄性动物死死地守护着他们的配偶。He had alienated himself from his team-mates.他疏远了自己的队友们。




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