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词汇 mate
例句 They want the males to mate with wild females.他们希望这些雄性动物可以和野生的雌性动物交配。The chief mate was disrated for drunkenness.大副因酗酒被降级。Tigers mate repeatedly over a period of several days.老虎在几天里多次交配。He was finding it difficult to find a mate.他发现找老婆是件很难的事。The queen is likely to mate with two or three drones.蜂王可能与两三只雄蜂交配。Murphy, Sinclair's young team-mate, was fractionally behind him.辛克莱的年轻队友墨菲紧跟在他后面。The majority of amphibians mate in water.大部分两栖动物在水里交配。Who do you think he will pick as/for his running mate?你觉得他会选择谁作为他的竞选伙伴?The candidate hasn't chosen a running mate yet, but some names have been bandied about.这名候选人尚未选好竞选伙伴,但有些人选已经传出来了。You wouldn't grass up an old mate, would you?你不会告发老朋友的,对吗?Don't blame me, mate - I had fuck all to do with it!别责备我,哥们儿——那件事和我一点关系都没有!Fair go mate, let the others have a turn!公道些,老兄,给别人一个机会!My flat-mate is driving me up the wall.我的室友此时正让我大为光火。The first mate is in charge when the captain leaves the ship.船长离船时由大副负责。He was first mate on a British tanker.他曾是一艘英国油轮的大副。Have you got the time, mate?老兄,你知道几点了吗?I don't want a room-mate who acts like a horny teenager with every woman he meets.我可不想要一个每次见到女人就像性饥渴的青少年似的室友。Brydon's team-mate Martin Williamson consolidated his lead in the National League when he won the latest round.布赖登的队友马丁·威廉森在最近一轮比赛中获胜,巩固了自己在全国联赛中的领先地位。The Presidential nominee has got the like-minded Vice Presidential running-mate he wants.总统候选人已找到了他所需要的观点一致的副总统竞选伙伴。One bird remains at the nest while its mate hunts for food.一只鸟留在鸟巢时,它的配偶外出觅食。He got a job as a plumber's mate.他找了一份给管道工打下手的工作。The first mate will be in charge when the captain is away.船长不在时将由大副负责。The bird uses its call to attract the attention of a mate.那种鸟用叫声吸引配偶的注意。A mate of mine used to play soccer for Liverpool.我的一个朋友在利物浦队踢过球。He was always an exemplary team-mate.他一直都是模范队友。He worked as a bricklayer's mate.他给一个砖匠当小工。He angled to become the running mate of the Democratic nominee.他谋求成为民主党总统提名人的竞选伙伴。She is clearly from a different mould from her team mate.她与队友显然不属一类。The assistant carried on talking to his mate, name-dropping all the famous riders he knew.那位助手继续对同伴讲个不停,搬出他认识的所有知名自行车赛手。He'd never grass a mate.他绝不会揭发同伴。He finished just ahead of his Ferrari team-mate.他的成绩略微领先于他的法拉利队友。I drowned my sorrows with more booze and crashed out at a mate's.我继续借酒消愁,在朋友家过了夜。Rubens Barrichello finished a lap ahead of his team-mate.鲁本斯·巴里切罗领先队友一圈跑完全程。You look like you need a drink, mate.你看来需要喝一杯,老兄。It's quite common for male birds to mate with several females.雄性鸟和多只雌性鸟交配很正常。Last Saturday, I was out on the town with my mate.上周六我和哥们儿晚上出去玩了。This allows the pair to mate properly and stops the hen staying in the nest-box.这样可以使这对公鸡和母鸡正常交配,让母鸡不再呆在鸡窝里。These birds mate for life. 这些鸟一旦交尾终身相伴。Last Saturday, I was out on the town with my mate上个星期六我和老友晚上去闹市玩乐了。Where is the mate to this sock?与这只袜子配对的另一只在哪里?




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