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词汇 Mark
例句 Mark hadn't realized that the leaves of the rhubarb plant were inedible.马克没有意识到大黄的叶子是不能食用的。Mark's always slagging off his friends behind their backs.马克老是在背后诋毁他的朋友。Mark was standing just a few feet away from me.马克就站在离我几英尺远的地方。Let us remember the words of Our Lord from the gospel of Mark.让我们记住《马可福音》中主耶稣的话。It took a few more weeks until I could finally connect up with Mark over the phone.又过了几周以后,我才终于和马克通上了电话。Mark's eyes were alight with excitement.马克的眼里闪烁着激动的光。Mark carefully how the job is done.好好注意这工作是怎样做的。Mark Kennedy is the new boy in the government.马克‧肯尼迪是政府中的新成员。Mark was lying unconscious but with no outward sign of injury.马克不省人事地躺着,但看不出任何受伤的痕迹。I can't stand Mark, he's so big-headed.我真受不了马克,他太自负了。Mark was racing against time to complete the work by Friday.马克在争分夺秒,想赶在周五之前完成工作。Yasmin admits she would run a mile if Mark asked her out.亚丝明承认如果马克约她出去她会远远躲开。Mark looked a little lost amongst all those trendy designers.马克在那些时髦的服装设计师中间显得有点拘谨。Mark had for some time been making advances towards her.马克追她已经有一段时间了。Is Mark senior to you?马克比你大吗?Mark detected a smirk on the clerk's face.马克发现那个店员的脸上带着一丝讥笑。Mark tapped his fingers on the tabletop impatiently.马克不耐烦地用手指叩叩桌子。Mark found management more difficult than he had imagined.马克觉得管理工作比自己之前想象的要难。She claims Mark fathered her child.她宣称马克是孩子的父亲。Mark was kitted up in skis, boots, and equipment.马克配备了滑雪板、靴子和器材。Mark, however, needs to travel extensively with his varied business interests.然而,马克因为各种生意需要频繁出差。Mark rose to greet him.马克起身迎他。Only Sue and Mark bothered to turn up for the meeting.只有苏和马克当回事,出席了这次会议。Mark was only too happy to agree with her.马克完全赞同她。Quietly Mark poured and served drinks for all of them.马克一声不响地给他们每人倒好饮料并端上来。But in the midst of so much uncertainty, Mark showed an admirable practicality.尽管存在诸多不确定性,马克还是表现出了令人钦佩的理智。Mark couldn't fathom why she resented him so much.马克不明白她为什么那么恨他。Ever since she met Mark, she's been walking on air.自打遇到马克那天起,她每天都是喜气洋洋的。The ceilings were so low that Mark couldn't stand up straight.天花板低得马克都站不直。It's neither Mark nor I who rained on your parade.扫你兴的既不是我也不是马克。Mark was dragged from the wreckage of his car.马克被人从他汽车的残骸中拉了出来。Mark is so lazy, he makes scarcely any effort to improve his work.马克很懒惰,几乎不花一点力气去改善工作。I never thought Mark would get out of bed before lunchtime on a Saturday, but seeing is believing!我从没想到马克星期六会在午饭前起床,真是眼见为实!Mark thinks that the welfare system encourages laziness.马克认为福利制度助长人的惰性。Mark went down to the local nick and reported his wallet stolen.马克去了当地的警察局,把钱包被偷的事情报了案。Would Mark be able to help? It's just a thought.马克能帮忙吗?就这么一想而已。Bill took two steps forward and shook Mark's hand.比尔上前两步与马克握了手。Mark likes lying on the beach, but I prefer visiting museums.马克喜欢躺在沙滩上,而我更喜欢参观博物馆。Paul and Mark agreed to sink their differences and be friends.保罗和马克同意放下成见,成为朋友。Mark has been working in West Africa for about six months.马克已经在西非工作了大约六个月。




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