例句 |
The chair groaned under his weight.他压得椅子吱嘎作响。The nation groaned under the dictator's rule.那个国家在独裁者统治下受尽苦难。The floorboards groaned under the weight of the dancers.地板在舞蹈演员们的重压下吱嘎作响。Bookshelves groan under the burden of books on threats to the environment.书架上摆满了有关环境威胁的书,不堪重负。The steps of the old house groaned under my weight.我的体重使老房子的楼梯吱嘎作响。The country groaned under the dictator's rule.那个国家在独裁者统治下呻吟。The bar counter groans under the weight of huge plates of the freshest fish.吧台上摆满了大碟大碟非常新鲜的鱼。 |