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词汇 gritty
例句 The city's newspapers still attempt to get down to the nitty gritty of investigative journalism.该市报纸仍在试图厘清调查性新闻的实质。Let's get down to the nitty-gritty and find out what happened.我们言归正传,看看到底是怎么回事。His style combines plain language and gritty realism.他的文风将平实的语言和不折不扣的现实性合二为一。Kennedy immersed himself in the nitty-gritty details of the prosecutions.肯尼迪全神贯注地研究起诉中的种种细节。The book describes the gritty realities of life on the streets.这本书真实地描写了流落街头的艰辛生活。He deals with the nitty-gritty of running the department.他负责部门管理的重要细节工作。My forehead was gritty with dust.我的额头上满是沙土。Henin gave a typically gritty performance, coming back from 4-0 down.海宁表现出一贯的坚毅,把零比四落后的比分扳回。I liked the raw, gritty texture of the film.我喜欢这部电影栩栩如生的刻画。The sheets fell on the gritty floor, and she just let them lie.床单掉到满是沙砾的地板上,她都没去捡。He showed the gritty determination that we've come to expect from him.他不负所望,表现出了应有的坚毅和果敢。The sheets fell on the gritty floor.床单落在满是沙砾的地板上。The hard, nitty-gritty bargaining is about to begin.艰苦而斤斤计较的谈判即将开始。We had to set out the nitty-gritty of our aims.我们必须阐明我们的基本目标。They turned in a gritty performance to beat a talented Swedish team.他们上演了勇敢击败天才瑞典队的一幕。His most celebrated work is the film classic, 'Woman in the Dunes,' a gritty look at survival in an extreme environment.他最负盛名的作品是经典影片《砂之女》,该片对极端环境下的艰难求生进行了逼真的刻画。He has a pleasingly gritty voice.他拥有好听的沙哑嗓音。Under his bare toes the floor felt gritty.他光着脚,觉得地板上有沙砾。We finally got down to the nitty-gritty of the problem.我们终于谈到问题的关键了。You've got to get down to the nitty-gritty: how the stage will look, what the lighting will be like, and who designs the costumes.你得开始考虑最基本的细节:舞台如何布置、灯光怎么打,以及谁负责设计服装。Sincere performances and gritty Boston settings add to the film's realism.真诚的表演和对波士顿这一背景城市的真实刻画增添了电影的现实主义色彩。We have to prove how gritty we are.我们必须证明我们有多么勇敢无畏。The director creates a believable, gritty reality.导演营造出一个残酷而可信的现实世界。I admire her gritty determination to succeed.我欣赏她一定要成功的决心。The book covers the nitty-gritty details of starting a business.这本书涵盖了有关创业的关键性细节。I like doing business with people who get right to the nitty-gritty.我喜欢跟那种直截了当,一针见血的人做生意。The city's newspapers still attempt to get down to the nitty-gritty of investigative journalism.该市报纸仍在试图厘清调查性新闻的实质。He gave us all of the gritty details of his divorce.他告诉了我们离婚过程中所有的痛苦细节。




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