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词汇 groceries
例句 My arms ached from carrying all the groceries.拿着那么多食品杂货,我的胳膊都痛了。I went into the store for some tomatoes and came out with two bags of groceries.我走进商店去买些番茄,结果出来时拎了两袋杂货。Let me sack those groceries for you.我来帮你把那些杂货装进袋子里吧。Not only is it just the job for travelling, but it's handy for groceries too.它不仅非常适合于旅行,而且用来日常购物也很方便。I have to unload the groceries.我得把这些食品杂货从车上搬下来。People are buying extra groceries in anticipation of heavy snowstorms.人们预计会有强烈暴风雪来袭,正在多购买一些食品杂货。In the days of hyperinflation, we would rush to the market as soon as we were paid and buy our weekly groceries before they were marked up.在恶性通货膨胀时期,一发工资我们便冲向市场,赶在涨价之前买回一周所需的食品杂货。Mom wanted me to get the groceries.妈妈想让我去买食品杂货。She carried a basket of groceries in one hand and a bulging carrier bag in the other.她一只手拎着一篮食品杂货,另一只手提着一个鼓鼓囊囊的购物袋。I can't fit all these groceries into the trunk of my car.我不可能把这些杂货都装进我汽车的后备厢。Should I nip out and get some groceries?.要我赶紧出去一趟买些食品吗?We had to trek up six flights of stairs with our groceries.我们要拎着杂货爬六段台阶。The supermarket donated a year's supply of groceries to one needy family.超级市场捐赠了足够一个困难家庭使用一年的日用品。During the blizzard I was glad I'd had the foresight to buy enough groceries.在那场大风雪中,我庆幸自己深谋远虑,事先买了足够的食品杂货。She bought a box of groceries.她买了一箱食品杂货。He helpfully offered to carry the groceries for me.他提出帮我拿我买的各种食品,真是帮了大忙。Put the groceries away where they belong.请把这些食品杂货拿走,放到应放的位置。Evans was jailed for hijacking a lorry with a £30,000 load of spirits, tobacco and groceries.埃文斯因劫持一辆装有值三万英镑烟酒杂货的货车而入狱。A bag of groceries fell off the table onto the floor.一袋食品杂货从桌子上掉落到地上。He laboured up the stairs with his bag of groceries.他抱着一包食品杂货艰难地爬上楼梯。She was cycling along with her bicycle basket full of groceries.她骑着自行车,车筐里装满了食品杂货。Mother often sends me to the store for some groceries.母亲常差我去商店买一些食品和杂货。She stopped to pick up some groceries for supper.她停下来买点零食当晚餐。Emma loaded all the groceries into the car.埃玛把所有的食品杂货装进车里。I do all the chores, from picking up the groceries to taking out the garbage.从买食品杂货到把垃圾拿出去,所有的家庭杂活都是我做的。Mrs Caan needs a little help getting her groceries home.卡安太太需要有人帮把手将食品杂货拿回家。We have our groceries delivered.我们需要的食品杂货都是送货上门的。There was a long line of people waiting to check out their groceries.等待结账付款的人排起了长队。Where do you buy your groceries?你一般在哪儿买食品杂货?You can buy it ready-made at Chinese groceries.在中国杂货店里你可以买到现成的。She got a job checking out groceries at the supermarket.她在超市里找了一份给杂货结账的工作。Stock up with groceries and canned foods.储备些杂货和罐头食品。The web site allows you to order groceries over the Internet.该网站使你可以在互联网上订购食品杂货。She stopped to pick up a few groceries at the supermarket.她停下来去超市买了些食品杂物。He walked in and set the bag of groceries down on the floor.他走进来,把那袋食品杂货放在地板上。She trudged back up the hill, loaded down with heavy bags of groceries.她提着一袋袋沉重的食品杂货,费力地返回山上。I left the groceries on the table.我把食品杂货搁在桌上。I'm going to the store to buy groceries.我要去商店买杂货。A woman was loading groceries into her car.一位妇女在往汽车内装食品杂货。The stores are sometimes sold out of certain groceries.有时商店里的某些杂货会有脱销的现象。




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