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词汇 grocery
例句 I make weekly trips to the grocery store.我每周去一次杂货店。I happened upon them at the grocery store.我在杂货店偶然遇见他们。They own a chain of organic grocery stores.他们拥有有机食品连锁店。The grocery store took stock every week on Monday mornings.每星期一早晨,这家食品杂货店盘点存货。In the first movie Tony Curtis ever made he played a grocery clerk.托尼·柯蒂斯在其首部电影里,扮演了一个食品杂货店店员。I have traded at that grocery store for years.我在那家食品杂货店买东西已有多年。I have to do some grocery shopping.我得买一些食品杂货。There's been a spike in traffic since the new grocery store opened.自从新杂货店开张以来,此处交通量激增。The scanner is connected to a computer that prints the name and price of each grocery item at the checkout.扫描器与电脑相连接,由电脑将每件杂货的名称与价格在付款处打印出来。We do our/the grocery shopping once a week. = We go grocery shopping once a week. 我们一周去买一次食品杂货。That man in the grocery store is always so unpleasant.杂货店的那人总是那么不友善。We need to go grocery shopping - do you have the check book?我们要去买些食品杂货,你有支票簿吗?She met her future husband in a grocery store, of all places.她竟然是在一家杂货店里与她的未婚夫相识的。I saw Helen at the grocery store this morning.今天早上我在杂货店里看到海伦。Small grocery stores are being driven/forced/put out of business by large stores. 一些小杂货店因遭受大商店的挤压而关闭。If I get milk and orange juice from the milkman, I don't need to make as many trips to the grocery store.如果我叫送奶工送牛奶和橙汁,我就不用往杂货店跑那么多趟了。It's not in grocery, a notoriously tough, low-margin business.不在食品杂货业,这个行业出了名地难经营而且利润低。He opened a grocery store last month.上个月他开了一间杂货店。The grocery cut the price of milk as a come-on to customers.这家食品杂货商店降低牛奶售价以吸引顾客。He was employed at the local grocery store as a delivery boy.他受雇于当地杂货店当送货员。I'll swing by the grocery store on my way.我会顺路去杂货店。I hope the old hag has gone out to do her grocery shopping and hasn't come back yet.我希望那个老妖婆出门买杂货还没回来。His first job was mopping floors and shelving goods in a grocery store.他的第一份工作是在一家杂货店拖地、上货。During my last year of college, I lived in a little apartment above a grocery store.我在读大学的最后一年,住在一家杂货店楼上的一套小公寓房里。Can you get pine nuts in the grocery store?你能在超市里买到松子吗?She ran into an old acquaintance at the grocery store.她在杂货店碰见一个老熟人。He said he had to go buy something or other at the grocery store.他说,他得去杂货店买点什么东西。I'm always clipping coupons from the newspaper to use at the grocery store.我总是剪报纸上的优惠券到杂货店用。She handed flyers out at the grocery store.她在杂货店散发传单。I need to make a stop at the grocery store on the way home.在回家的路上我需要在杂货店停一下。She passed out flyers at the grocery store.她在杂货店分发传单。She works at the register in a grocery store.她在一家杂货店当收银员。You'll find yogurt in the dairy section of the grocery store.你在杂货店的奶制品区可以买到酸奶。She made out a shopping list before going to the grocery store.去杂货店之前,她列了一张购物单。I worked stocking shelves in a grocery store.我在一家杂货店工作,负责为货架上货。I stopped by the grocery store to pick up a few odd things.我在食品杂货店前停下来买点杂七杂八的东西。Workers picketed outside the grocery store.工人们在杂货店外示威游行。Do you reckon you'll be able to go to the grocery store after work?你认为你下班后能去杂货店吗?He pulled out his grocery rewards card to be scanned.他抽出他的食品杂货奖励卡来扫描。One of my grocery bags was still precariously perched on the car bumper.我的一只食品杂货物袋还摇摇欲坠地搭在汽车保险杠上。




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