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词汇 at a profit
例句 They buy tickets by the bucket and sell them at a profit.他们大量购票,然后把它们卖出去赚差价。Trade corporations would be run at a profit.经营贸易公司一般要有利可图。We sold the house at a profit. 我们把房子卖掉,赚到了钱。I sold my shares in the company at a profit.我卖掉了公司的股份,从中赚了一笔。He buys and remodels houses and then sells them at a profit.他购买房子,加以改造,再出售获利。They use that money to put into the money markets at a profit.他们把那笔钱投资到货币市场上以便获利。We should be able to sell the piano at a profit.卖掉这架钢琴,我们应该能赚钱。He renovates old houses and sells them at a profit.他靠翻修老房子再出售赚钱。




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