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词汇 resigned
例句 I see that the Prime Minister has resigned.我得知首相已辞职。I resigned from my job for the sake of my sanity.为了精神健康,我辞职了。The prime minister conceded defeat and resigned.首相承认失败并辞职。Cummings eventually resigned at the governor's request.肯明斯在州长的要求之下终于辞职了。Milne resigned in sympathy because of the way Donald had been treated.米尔恩以辞职来抗议唐纳德所遭受的不公待遇。Pauline was already resigned to losing her home.保利娜已经无奈地接受了失去家园的事实。Marantz resigned after discovering that dubious business deals were being negotiated by his fellow officials.马兰兹发现他的同事在与别人洽谈可疑的商业交易后就辞职了。Perhaps it would be better for his party if he resigned.他辞职或许会对他那个党派更好一些。Josh resigned himself to the long walk home.乔希只好走很长的路回家。Her mood was one of resigned acceptance.她的心境是听天由命。Everything came to a head last week when two of the teachers resigned.上星期两名老师辞职时,情形突然恶化。He resigned from his job as principal of the school.他辞去了校长职务。The senator resigned after accusations that the vote had been rigged.参议员在受到操纵选举结果的谴责之后辞职。She's resigned? Oh, what a shame.她已经辞职了?哦,真可惜!Congress voted to impeach the President, but he resigned before any action was taken.国会投票要弹劾总统,但还没来得及采取任何行动他就辞职了。I'm resigned to the fact that I'm not going to get the job.我已接受了我得不到这份工作的这个事实。The ruling committee resigned en bloc to make way for a new election.管理委员会成员全体辞职,以便为新的选举扫清障碍。Richardson resigned as chairman, leaving the company floundering.理查德森辞去了董事长职务,公司因此在困境中苦苦挣扎。He resigned himself to the fact that he could do nothing to change his situation.他只好安于无法改变自己处境的这一现实。She recently resigned her deanship.她最近辞去了院长职务。She was resigned to a long visit with his mother.她只好与他的母亲长聊。After they had refused him the opportunity of improving his position, he resigned.他们拒绝给予他擢升职位的机会后,他辞职了。She resigned the directorship.她辞去了董事职务。If the men resigned, they had to pay their outward passages.如果这些男人辞职,他们必须支付他们外出航程的费用。He resigned his seat to an old man.他把座位让给了一位老翁。When he resigned I was left holding the baby.他辞职了,责任落到了我头上。He resigned from his job and spent the rest of his days in retirement.他辞去了职务,退休度过余生。Mr Knight said that he had resigned for personal reasons.奈特先生说他是由于个人原因而辞职。The news broke that the Prime Minister had resigned.据报道首相已经辞职。She resigned over an issue of personal ethics.她因为个人道德问题而辞职。He is resigned to the noise and mess.他勉强接受了这里的喧嚣和脏乱。Mr Lloyd resigned and asked Mr Graham to serve in his place.劳埃德先生辞职了,他请格雷厄姆先生代替他的位置。At the suggestion of his boss, he resigned.在老板的建议下,他辞职了。I have resigned, and they have a free hand to appoint whom they like in my place.我已经辞职了,他们可以放开手脚任命他们喜欢的人来顶替我的位置。He resigned from his post as superintendent of public schools.他辞去了公立学校教育局长这一要职。The chairman resigned in a storm of publicity over the bonus payments.董事长在有关奖金数额的媒体风暴中辞职。Eleven ministers and aides had resigned and the Government was in total disarray.十一名大臣和助理辞职,政府彻底乱了套。Several government ministers resigned because of the affair.几位政府部长因为这一事件而辞职。The management team resigned en masse.管理层全体辞职了。He resigned a few days after the scandal broke.丑闻传出几天以后,他辞职了。




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