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词汇 cluttered
例句 The yard was cluttered with junk like broken bicycles and old washing machines.院子里堆满了诸如破自行车和旧洗衣机之类的废品。The vehicles cluttered up the car park.各种车辆把停车场塞得满满当当。The walls were cluttered with paintings and prints.墙上挂满了油画和版画。Sometimes a well-defined job becomes cluttered with self-imposed tasks.有时一项职责明确的工作会因一些自愿承担的任务而乱作一团。The trailer was cluttered and cramped, with barely enough room to turn around.这活动房屋里又乱又挤,几乎没有转身的地方。The cityscape is cluttered with factories.城市乱糟糟的,到处都是工厂。The room was cluttered and fussy.房间里凌乱不堪,花里胡哨。The roads were cluttered with cars and vans.路上堵满了汽车和货车。His work cluttered his desk.他的文件凌乱地堆放在办公桌上。The garage was cluttered with tools.车库里杂乱地塞满了工具。His house was cluttered up with the things he had collected.他家里堆满了他搜集来的东西。She ushered her callers into a cluttered living-room.她把来人领进凌乱不堪的客厅。He looked around his dark, cluttered office and was engulfed by a feeling of emptiness.他环顾自己昏暗杂乱的办公室,陷入一阵空虚之中。My desk gets very cluttered if I don't clear it at the end of each day.我每天工作结束后不清理办公桌的话,它就会凌乱不堪。A cluttered desk is a sign of a creative mind.桌子凌乱是创造力的表现。He is walled in by a mountain of papers in his cluttered Broadway office.在他凌乱的百老汇办公室里,他被堆成山的文件团团包围。The table was cluttered with dirty tea cups.桌上凌乱地堆着用过的茶杯。His bedroom was cluttered with books and papers.他的卧室堆满了书报。The room was tiny, its walls cluttered with paintings and old photographs.房间很小,墙上杂乱地挂着画和旧照片。Tools cluttered the garage.工具杂乱地塞满了车库。The yards are overgrown and cluttered with trash.院子里杂草丛生,垃圾成堆。He works in a cluttered studio that looks like a mechanic's garage.他在一间乱七八糟的工作室工作,那里看起来像机修工的车库。It is no easy task placing sculpture in this cluttered and busy environment.在这个拥挤不堪的地方放置雕塑可不是件容易的事。The house was cluttered with lumber.房间里乱七八糟地堆满了废旧家具。The stage was cluttered with lamps and electrical leads, which the dancers neatly sidestepped.舞台上到处都是灯和电线,舞者们都灵巧地避开了。Toys cluttered up the room.玩具乱糟糟地堆满房间。Her living room is cluttered with Victoriana.她的客厅里满是维多利亚时代的器物。The yards are overgrown and cluttered with trash…院子里杂草丛生,垃圾成堆。They sat at a Formica table cluttered with dirty tea cups.他们坐在铺有福米加塑料贴面的餐桌前,桌上凌乱地堆着用过的茶杯。The room was cluttered with bric-a-brac.房间里乱七八糟地塞满小摆设。If you close a couple of windows, the screen will be less cluttered.关闭几个窗口,屏幕就不会那么杂乱了。Piles of books and papers cluttered his desk.他的书桌上堆满了书和文件。Toys cluttered the nursery floor.托儿所的地板上杂七杂八地堆满了玩具。All the available space around her computer is cluttered with papers.她电脑周围可用的地方都堆满了报纸。




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