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Coach Michael Wenders accused his players of throwing in the towel.迈克尔·温德斯教练指责他的队员们放弃比赛。If the team doesn't start winning, Coach Sanders could be in danger of losing his job.如果该球队还不获胜,桑德斯教练就有丢掉工作的危险。Coach Ross made two substitutions in the second half.罗斯教练在下半场两次换人。After losing the game, Coach Saylor came to the press conference looking and sounding emotionally drained.比赛落败以后,塞勒教练来到新闻发布会上,他的面色和语气都显得疲惫。I'll be happy if Coach doesn't cut me.要是教练不把我除名,我将很高兴。Coach said to his players: We got trounced last night. Question is: Are we resilient enough to bounce back?教练对球员说:我们昨天晚上被修理了。问题是:我们是不是有够强的适应力可以反击呢? I stayed in the Stage Coach Inn, but it's been quite some time ago.我曾经住过驿站马车旅馆,不过那是好些时候之前的事了。Under Coach Wooden, UCLA men's basketball was so successful it was the benchmark other teams measured themselves against.在伍登教练的带领下,加州大学洛杉矶分校的男子篮球队非常成功,以至于成为其他篮球队的衡量基准。Another player on Coach Beane's wish list is center fielder Jeffrey Hammonds.比恩教练愿望单上的另一名球员是中锋杰弗里·哈蒙兹。Coach Bob Dwyer is playing it cagey over his choice of a replacement skipper.鲍勃·德怀尔教练对接替队长的人选讳莫如深。 |