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词汇 coach
例句 They're having a dinner in honor of the new coach. = They're having a dinner in the new coach's honor. 他们正设宴向新教练致敬。Their success was due to the dogged determination of their coach.他们的成功要归功于他们教练的顽强决心。We unwisely chose not to go on a coach excursion to Trondheim.我们作出了不明智的选择,没有乘旅游大巴去特隆赫姆。The coach turned the team into a scoring machine.教练把球队变成了得分机器。The coach was playing the odds that his pitcher would get through the inning without giving up a run.教练希望他的投手能走运,不失一分地顺利完成这一局。The coach had a bittersweet expression on his face when he learned that his team won the game by one point.当他的球队最后以一分赢球时,教练的表情是苦乐参半的。Real Madrid summoned a press conference to formally announce that Jorge Valdano will take over as coach next season.皇家马德里俱乐部召开新闻发布会,正式宣布从下一赛季起由豪尔赫·巴尔达诺担任教练。Noll, an assistant coach with the Colts, was hired by the Steelers as head coach.小马队副教练诺尔被钢人队聘为主教练。Our coach jolted and stopped. Then it started again.我们的长途公共汽车颠簸着停了下来,一会儿又开动了。The coach really drives his team, but he gets good results.教练员确实逼着他的球队拼命,但他取得了很好的成绩。The coach was a masterpiece of Teutonic engineering.这种长途大巴是体现德国工程设计水平的杰作。The coach's positive attitude was a contributing factor to/in the team's success. 教练的积极态度是这支队获得成功的因素之一。The Lord Mayor follows at the rear in his gilded coach.市长大人坐在他金碧辉煌的马车里,跟在后面。Steve just announced he was leaving, but the coach has already started looking around for a replacement.史蒂夫刚宣布他要走,教练就已经开始到处找接替他的人了。All of the boys are right behind the coach.所有的队员都完全支持教练。In desperation, she went cap in hand to Bideau and asked him to coach her.在走投无路的情况下,她找到毕都,低三下四地求他做她的教练。The coach threatened to kick him off the team if he continued to be late for practice.教练威胁说,如果他下次训练再迟到,就把他开除出球队。Tony has given a lot of thought to what made his father a legendary coach.托尼认真想过父亲是如何成为大名鼎鼎的教练的。The coach was criticized for his negative tactics.教练由于战术消极而受到了批评。He has clashed repeatedly with the team coach over training schedules.在训练时间安排上,他与球队教练冲突不断。The players couldn't hear their coach over the roar of the crowd.由于观众的吼叫声太大,运动员听不清教练说的话。The coach is starting him at quarterback for the next game.教练打算让他在下一场比赛中首发上场,担任四分卫。The new coach is a stickler for detail.新教练是个注重细节的人。The coach agonizes for days over the choices he has to make.教练对他必须要做的选择苦想了数日。He passed on the chance to be head coach and took a job in Florida.他放弃了成为主教练的机会,而是去佛罗里达找了一份工作。The coach gave the team a pep talk.教练给队员们讲了一番鼓舞士气的话。The coach tends to push his players too hard.这名教练总是对自己的队员过于严厉。The team's coach was dumped after a season of losses.由于赛季战况不佳,球队教练下课了。The coach reordered the batting lineup.教练重新调整了击球手阵容。It was rookie coach, Ray Rhodes, who got the most credit for keeping the team in check.管束好这支球队,功劳最大的是新教练雷·罗兹。The team felt great admiration for the coach.队员们都非常钦佩教练。The coach protested the referee's call.教练不服裁判的裁决。Discipline was the new coach's secret weapon.严格的训练是新任教练的秘密武器。An acting coach was brought in for the less experienced actors.一名演艺指导被请来辅导经验不够丰富的演员。The coach plans to give younger players more playing time.教练计划给年轻球员更多上场时间。What you need is a drama coach.你需要的是一位戏剧辅导老师。The coach bolted to a new team.教练突然离开加盟了新队。I used to coach him in French.我给他补习过法语。The coach really laid into us for playing so carelessly.因为我们比赛时很不认真,教练着实痛斥了我们一顿。Apart from his earnings as a football coach, he also owns and runs a chain of sports shops.除了当足球教练的收入之外,他还拥有并经营一家体育用品连锁店。




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