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词汇 clutch
例句 He is a clutch hitter/player. = He is clutch.他是一个在关键时刻能出色发挥的击球手/选手。He engaged the clutch and drove away.他踩下离合器,开车走了。McNally now owns a clutch of uberchic downtown celebrity hangouts.如今麦克内利在市中心拥有一片极其时尚的高档休闲场所。You must engage the clutch in order to change gear.你要踩下离合器才能换挡。Now bring your foot gently off the clutch – that's the way.现在你的脚慢慢地松开离合器 — 对了,就是这样。Put the car in gear, and then slowly disengage the clutch while pressing on the gas pedal.挂挡,然后在踩油门的同时慢慢松开离合器踏板。She lays a clutch of four eggs on average.这只雌鸟平均一窝下四只蛋。The pedals seem a bit off-centre and the clutch is rather stiff.踏板似乎有点偏心,离合器也相当紧。She wore pink heels with a matching clutch purse.她穿着粉红色的高跟鞋,手袋与之很相配。He had to clutch at a chair for support.他不得不抓住一把椅子作为支撑。The driver banged the clutch in.司机用力把离合器杆推进去。A drowning man will clutch at a straw.快溺死的人连一根稻草也要抓。I have to learn how to let the clutch out smoothly.我得学会如何平稳地松开离合器踏板。The car is easier to drive since the clutch was adjusted.调校离合器之后,车更好开了。Ella stood outside, vainly trying to clutch at the door handle.埃拉站在外面,徒劳地想要抓住门把手。I had to clutch the counter to keep from falling.我不得不紧紧抓着柜台,免得摔倒。Put it into first gear and let the clutch out slowly.挂一挡,慢慢松开离合器。The clutch sounds rough – better get it checked.离合器的声音不对头,最好检查一下。The party has attracted a clutch of young southern liberals.聚会吸引了一群南部的年轻开明人士。The car needs a new clutch.这辆车需要一个新的离合器。He is known for his ability to come through in the clutch.他以能在比赛关键时刻克服困难而为人所知。His fingers grasped John's flesh with a convulsive clutch.他的手指突然紧紧抓住约翰。He lost his clutch on the rope and fell.他抓不住绳子,松手摔下来。She scored a clutch basket.她投进了关键的一球。As I released the clutch, the gears engaged.我一松开离合器,挡就挂上了。Maybe we could still be together. A vain hope. But when you're in turmoil, you clutch at straws.也许我们还能在一起。这只是幻想而已。但是当你心乱如麻的时候,稻草你也会抓的。Take your foot off the clutch after changing gear.换档之后,脚离离合器。This is a virtual shopping centre offering visitors entry to a clutch of well-known etailers without going to their different websites.这是一个虚拟的购物中心,访问者在此就可以浏览很多著名的网上零售店铺,而无需分别访问它们各自的网站。I shook myself free of her clutch.我从她的紧抱中挣脱出来。The car jolted forward when he let the clutch out too quickly.他松离合器太快,汽车向前颠了一下。When the clutch broke, the car was locked into second gear.离合器失灵后,汽车只能在二挡行驶。He re-engaged the clutch.他再次踩下离合器。This is the best of the recent clutch of political biographies.这是近年来最好的政治传记集。A microswitch in the gear stick automatically engages and disengages the clutch.变速杆里的微型开关自动地与离合器啮合或脱离。I staggered and had to clutch at a chair for support.我摇摇晃晃的,不得不抓住一把椅子来稳住自己。Laura let out the clutch and pulled slowly away down the drive.劳拉松开离合器踏板,沿着车道慢慢开走了。He burnt out the clutch.他把离合器磨坏了。I think there's something wrong with the clutch in my car.我觉得我那辆汽车的离合器有问题。You could always depend on him when the clutch came.在紧要关头你总能指望他挺身而出。She scored a basket in the clutch.她在关键时刻投篮得分。




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