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词汇 lumbered
例句 I always seem to get lumbered with the job of clearing up after a party.每次聚会结束后我似乎总要被抓住打扫卫生。I was lumbered with the job of taking charge of all the money.我不得不负责管着所有的钱。He turned and lumbered back to his chair.他转过身来,蹒跚着走回到椅子边坐下。The house is lumbered up with useless articles.这栋房子里堆满了没用的物品。He lumbered upstairs.他费力地走上楼梯。His classmates lumbered him with an unfortunate nickname.他的同学们给他起了个倒霉的绰号。They lumbered me with all the paperwork.他们把所有的文书工作一股脑儿都丢给了我。The country lumbered through several months of political uncertainty and economic chaos.那个国家艰难地渡过了好几个月的政治动荡和经济混乱。He's been lumbered with an unfortunate nickname.他被人起了个倒霉的绰号。This valley was lumbered hard during the past decade.在过去十年里,这个山谷的林木被大肆采伐。The heavily-loaded garbage truck lumbered down the street.满载重物的垃圾车笨重地驶过街道。A big six-wheeled truck lumbered past me.一辆六轮大卡车从我身旁隆隆驶过。I was lumbered with that madman all evening.整个晚上我都不得不忍受那个疯子。I'm lumbered with cleaning the toilets.我被迫打扫卫生间。The story was lumbered with flashbacks.故事里尽是倒叙。The truck lumbered across the parking lot toward the road.卡车缓慢地穿过停车场驶向公路。A perspiring, panting old woman lumbered past.一位汗涔涔、气吁吁的老妇人蹒跚地走过。A career was less easy once I was lumbered with a husband and children.我一旦有了丈夫和孩子的拖累,事业的发展就不那么容易了。




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