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词汇 lowered
例句 Saul tied one end of the rope around a large rock and lowered himself over the cliff.索尔把绳索一端拴在一块大石头上,然后从峭壁下去。Fuel prices have been lowered in recent weeks.近几周燃油价格已经下降。Bannol lowered his bulk carefully into the chair.班诺尔小心翼翼地将肥硕的身躯落座到椅子上。Ellen smiled uncomfortably and lowered her gaze.埃伦很不自在地笑了笑,垂下目光。Greg watched as the coffin was lowered.格雷格看着灵柩放下。The pilot lowered the flaps as the aircraft came into land.飞机着陆时飞行员放下了襟翼。The shelf has been lowered; a long reach is not necessary.搁板已放低了一些,用不着把手伸得老长的就可够到。She watched as the coffin was lowered into the ground.她看着棺材落葬。She lowered herself down to the floor.她低身坐到地板上。Water slopped over the side of the bath as she lowered herself into it.她躺进浴缸时水从浴缸边缘溢了出来。Sokolowski lowered himself into the black leather chair.索科洛夫斯基弯腰坐进黑皮椅里。He lowered his voice, confidentially.他神神秘秘地压低嗓音说话。He lowered his legs until he felt he had a solid foothold on the rockface beneath him.他把腿向下伸,直到他感觉稳稳地踩住下面的石头。Inch by inch, he lowered himself from the roof.他慢慢地从屋顶上下来。The company had no answer when its competitors lowered their prices.公司对竞争者的降价行动没做出反应。He sat quite still and with his gaze lowered to the carpet.他一动不动地坐着,眼睛朝下凝视着地毯。Her father lowered his paper and peered over his glasses at her.她父亲放下报纸,从眼镜上方端详着她。The casket was lowered into the grave.棺材被下放到墓穴中。To his delight a familiar, tall, languid figure lowered itself down the steps of a club.看到一个熟悉的高大身影沿着俱乐部的台阶无精打采地走下来,他高兴极了。The old man lowered himself wearily into his chair.老人疲惫地撑着坐进椅子里。Balancing awkwardly on one leg, he lowered himself into his wheelchair.他很费力地靠一条腿保持平衡,然后在轮椅上坐了下来。The government has lowered interest rates in an attempt to put a check on inflation.政府降低了利率,试图以此抑制通货膨胀。She lowered the handkerchief which she had kept dabbing at her eyes.她放下了那块一直用来擦眼睛的手帕。He lowered his head and keened his prayer.他垂下头哀泣似地念祷词。They lowered him gradually into the cockpit. Somehow they squeezed him in the tight space, and strapped him in.他们将他慢慢向下放入驾驶舱,设法将他塞进了狭小的空间,并给他系好安全带。He lowered himself into the chair.他屈身坐进椅子。He lowered a bucket into the well to get some water.他将水桶放下井去取些水。She'd lowered her voice until it was barely audible.她把嗓音压低到几乎听不见。Another man in a harness was being lowered from the helicopter.另一个系着保护带的人正从直升机上被放下来。The governor's speech raised/lowered the political temperature. 州长的演讲加剧/缓和了人们对政治局势的不满。Out of deference to him, I lowered my head as he prayed.出于对他的尊重,在他祷告的时候,我低下了头。Very gently, he lowered the dog onto the rug by the fire.他非常轻柔地把狗放在炉火边的地毯上。The phonograph was lowered a little before midnight.唱机的声音在午夜前放低了一些。She lowered her gaze to the hands in her lap.她低头凝视着放在膝上的双手。They lowered him down to the bottom of the deep shaft.他们把他放到深深的井底。Food prices lowered during the fall.秋天食品价格下降了。The driver of the car lowered his offside front window.司机摇下了前排右侧的车窗。They lowered the coffin into the ground.他们把棺材放进墓里。The property has lowered in value.此处房产已经贬值。Cristina blushed and quickly lowered her eyes.克里斯蒂娜脸一红,赶紧垂下双眼。




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