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Education now offers the lower classes access to job opportunities.教育如今为下层阶级提供了就业的门道。There was a time when tequila was a cheap product drunk only by the lower classes.过去有一阵子,龙舌兰酒只是下层阶级的人喝的东西。Generally, the lower classes are considered to be the bearers of tradition.一般来说,下层阶级被认为是传承传统的人。The upper classes speak proper English and the lower classes a crude dialect.上流社会讲标准英语,下层社会则说粗鄙的土话。The lower classes have gotten/received short shrift from the city government. 市政府漠视下层社会。Whether or not the tax cuts benefit the lower classes is still hotly debated among economists.减税是否对下层民众有利,经济学家们对此仍有激烈的争论。 |