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词汇 locks
例句 Never trust cheap locks like these.千万别相信这种廉价的锁。Ideally, your car should have high security locks.最理想的是,你的车装有严密的防护锁。All of these locks are keyed alike.所有这些锁配的钥匙都相似。The ship passed through several locks in the canal.船通过了运河的几道水闸。Turn the bulb until it locks.转动灯泡,直到固定住为止。The rear doors include childproof locks.后门上有孩子们打不开的门锁。Most cars are now fitted with child safety locks on the back doors.多数小轿车现在都在后门配置了儿童安全锁。She had long flowing locks and blue eyes.她有着飘逸的长发和碧蓝的眼睛。The door locks automatically.这种门自动锁闭。The hotels replaced their mortise locks on guest rooms with magnetic card readers.宾馆把客房门上的插锁换成了磁卡阅读器。She suffers from periods of deep depression, when she locks herself away and will speak to no one for weeks.她患有严重的阶段性抑郁症,发病时她会把自己关在屋内,一连几个星期不与别人说话。All the windows were fitted with locks.所有的窗户都上了锁。Window locks are an effective deterrent against burglars.窗锁可以有效地阻止窃贼偷盗。His long locks were shorn.他的绺绺长发被剪了。The cabinet comes with locks and key and is shaped like a cube.储藏柜带有锁和钥匙,形状像个立方体。Some doors have locks which automatically lock the doors when we close them.有些门上的锁在关门时会自动把门锁好。Despite burglar alarms and window locks, homes are never impregnable against determined thieves.即使家里装上防盗警报器并锁好窗户,也挡不住贼心不死的小偷。We had new locks fitted after the burglary.遭入室盗窃之后,我们换了新锁。Engine cut-out devices and steering wheel locks do not protect the car's contents.发动机断电装置和方向盘锁无法保护汽车的内部。He ran a hand through his curly brown locks.他用一只手梳理他那棕色鬈发。All the locks had frozen up.锁全都被冻住了。The windows are all fitted with security locks.所有窗户都装上了防盗锁。Her pale face was framed by raven locks.乌黑发亮的头发衬托着她苍白的脸。When the bags arrive at the carousel, you should immediately determine if the locks are still intact.行李到了传送带上之后,你应该立即确认锁是不是完好无损。I love her curly locks. 我喜欢她的鬈发。Ground floor windows are particularly vulnerable and secure locks should be fitted.底层的窗户特别不安全,应该装上防盗锁。I had to fit new locks after the burglary.偷盗事件发生后我得安装新锁了。The car locks automatically when you start the engine.引擎发动后车门自动上锁。She ran around the house, checking all the locks.她在房子各处跑了一遍,检查所有的锁。The house isn't very secure – we need some new locks.这房子锁得不太牢靠 — 我们需要几把新锁。Window locks are a cheap and effective deterrent.窗户锁是一种价廉、有效的防盗手段。New locks were installed on all the doors.所有的门均已安装新锁。The last person to leave locks up the shop.最后一个走的人把店门锁好。As a gesture to security, we fitted locks on all the windows.我们在所有的窗户上都装了锁,以示对安全问题的态度。I bought some new locks as an additional insurance against burglary.我买了一些新锁具以进一步防止盗窃。When I lost my keys, we had to change all the locks.我丢了钥匙之后,我们只好把所有的锁都换了。She locks up her diary to keep her brother from snooping.她把日记锁起来防止弟弟偷看。The locks on the doors were solid and strong.门上的锁都很坚固结实。This method of cooking locks in the flavour of the meat.用这种方法烹制可以使肉的原味保持不变。Since the break-in we've had all our locks changed.自从发生入室盗窃案后,我们便更换了所有的锁。




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