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词汇 living room
例句 You have to learn not to cut your toenails in the living room.你要知道不可以在起居室里剪脚趾甲。There was a prominent display of her photographs in the living room.客厅里醒目地挂着她的照片。They did the bedroom in blue and the living room in green.他们把卧室装饰成蓝色,客厅装饰成绿色。We took up the carpet in the living room and replaced it with hardwood flooring.我们把客厅地毯撤掉,换成了硬木地板。Their living room doubles as a home office.他们的客厅也经常用作家庭办公室。They hung the painting in the living room.他们把那幅画挂在了客厅。The house has a fairly big living room.这房子的起居室相当大。She picked a light green paper for the living room.她为客厅挑选了淡绿色的壁纸。I set up shop in the living room and made phone calls all afternoon.我在客厅办公,打了一个下午的电话。I feel like a stranger in my own living room.我在自家客厅里觉得自己像是一个客人。I see you've been playing around with the living room furniture again.我看见你又一直在摆弄客厅家具。From the living room came the sound of a deep male voice singing a sentimental ballad.起居室里传来低沉的男声唱着一首感伤的民歌。Our new kitten has torn the living room curtains to ribbons.我们刚养的小猫把起居室的窗帘撕成了碎片。The sick child was lying on the couch in the living room.病孩躺在起居室的长椅上。The kids were roughhousing in the living room.孩子们在客厅里玩闹。If you knocked down this wall, the living room would be a lot bigger.假如你拆掉这堵墙,起居室就大得多了。He raced through the living room, only to find the front door closed.他飞快地跑过起居室,却发现前门锁上了。They looked for advice on how to spice up their living room.他们征求意见,看如何给客厅增添点情趣。Her image still hangs on their living room wall.她的画像仍挂在他们客厅的墙上。Usually there were voices to be heard coming from the living room, but tonight there was not a sound.往常都能听到客厅里有人说话的声音,但是今晚却悄无声息。I vacuumed and dusted the living room.我用吸尘器打扫了客厅,并擦净灰尘。The vase she gave me occupies the place of honor in my living room.她送我的花瓶放在我的起居室最尊荣的位置。There were several damp areas on the living room ceiling.起居室的天花板上有几处潮湿的地方。There was an old piano in the corner of the living room.起居室的角落里有架旧钢琴。They chose an unusual color scheme for the living room.他们为这间客厅选择了特别的色彩搭配。His makeover of her living room is a sickly sweet confection of pink.他把她的起居室改装成了俗丽甜腻的粉红色。We paneled the living room with oak.我们给客厅铺了橡木板。John and Steve can bed down in the living room.约翰和史蒂夫可以睡在起居室。We used two buckets of paint to paint the living room.我们用了两桶漆刷客厅。Everything in the living room was displaced into the study.起居室的所有东西都被移到了书房。Don't leave your smelly sneakers lying around the living room.别把你的臭鞋子脱在客厅里。Don't mess up the living room - we have company coming tonight.不要把客厅弄乱—晚上我们有客人来。The living room was quiet and uncluttered.起居室宁静而整洁。Janir had dropped off to sleep on the living room couch.亚尼尔已经在客厅的长沙发上睡着了。In the living room, fresh flowers are used as handsome accents.起居室经鲜花一衬托显得很漂亮。Max zips back and forth across the living room.马克斯在客厅里快速地来回走动。He was sacked out on the living room couch.他在客厅的沙发上睡着了。Firefighters managed to confine the fire to the living room.消防队员成功地把火势控制在起居室内。The living room is furnished simply with wicker furniture.客厅简单地摆设着柳条家具。Iwant those boxes out of the living room by tomorrow!我希望在明天前能把这些盒子搬出起居室!




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