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例句 Sussex are likely to field a strong side.萨塞克斯队可能会以很强的阵容上场。It seemed hardly likely that they would agree.看上去他们不大可能同意。These images are likely to evoke a strong response in the viewer.这些图像可能会在观众中产生强烈反响。He was charged with having information likely to be of use to terrorists.他被控掌握着对恐怖分子可能有用的信息。Blacks are more likely to be carded by disco doormen.在迪斯科舞厅门口,黑人比其他人更有可能被要求出示身份证。You are likely to find many people who have stereotyped ideas about women.你很可能会发现很多人对女性都抱有老一套的看法。Snow showers are likely tomorrow.明天可能有阵雪。They must persuade the judge that a particular juror is likely to be biased.他们必须说服法官相信有一名陪审员很可能怀有偏见。Any policy that creates unemployment is likely to meet with strong resistance.任何引起失业的政策都可能遭到坚决抵制。American companies were salivating at the juicy contracts for rebuilding Kuwait that were likely to come their way.重建科威特的合同利润丰厚,对于他们有望分得的那一杯羹,美国各公司都垂涎欲滴。Of the two possibilities, the former seems more likely.在这两种可能性中,前者似乎更有可能。Her paper discusses the likely impact of global warming.她的论文探讨了全球性变暖可能带来的影响。China is looking a likely victor at these championships.中国队看起来有可能在这些比赛中胜出。They are not likely to come to heel.他们不太可能顺从。If index data for image processing systems are corrupted, users will likely be relying on the wrong images.如果图像处理系统的索引数据被毁坏,用户很可能会错误地使用了其它图像文件。The legislation is likely to squeak through.该项立法可能会侥幸通过。A long drawn out war would likely deepen and prolong the recession.一场旷日持久的战争很可能会使衰退程度加剧,时间延长。A peace settlement now seems likely.现在看来有可能达成和平协议。It is not likely that you will be given a second opportunity.人家不大可能再给你一次机会。Any question about taxation is likely to produce a lively debate in parliament.有关税收的任何问题都有可能在议会中引起一场激烈的辩论。It is uncertain how likely this is to occur.出现这种情况可能性有多大还不清楚。If you leave your bike around here overnight,it's likely to disappear.如果你把自行车停放在这儿附近过夜,很可能会丢失的。Tiredness and fever are much more likely to be a sign of flu coming on.疲倦、发烧更有可能是患流感的征兆。They are likely to meet Barcelona in the next round.他们可能在下一轮迎战巴塞罗那队。Should anyone attack the stripper, the punters know that it is likely to be the end of the show.如果有人侵犯脱衣舞表演者,客人们就知道表演可能要结束了。Girls are far less likely to offend than boys.女孩的犯罪倾向远低于男孩。One likely source of energy is windpower.有一种合适的能源就是风力。It is likely that the girl knew her killer.可能那个被害的女孩认识凶手。The deal is likely to provide a template for other agreements.这个协议可能会成为其他协议的范例。The downward trend in home ownership is likely to continue.拥有房屋所有权者人数减少的趋势可能会持续。Japan is likely to co-operate with Australia.日本很可能与澳大利亚合作。The most likely explanation was a power failure.最合理的解释是停电。He is likely to face a motion of no confidence following the funding fiasco.在资助惨败后他很可能会面临不信任动议。Unemployment is likely to go on rising this year.今年的失业人数可能会继续上升。The consensus amongst the world's scientists is that the world is likely to warm up over the next few decades.世界各国科学家一致认为在未来几十年里地球有可能变暖。The dispute over weapons inspections is likely to be the main topic of tomorrow's meeting.关于武器检查的争端很可能是明天会议上的主要话题。The tax bill includes sweeteners for both parties, so it looks likely to pass.税收法案对两党都有笼络条款,因此很可能得到通过。Women are more likely to cite socioeconomic-circumstantial factors than men.与男人相比,女人更倾向于举出一些与社会经济条件有关的因素。This marks the first day of what is likely to be a protracted and bitter courtroom battle.这才是第一天,这很可能是一场持久而艰难的官司。Researchers found that smokers were more likely to get depressed than non-smokers.研究人员发现吸烟者比起不吸烟的人更容易情绪沮丧。




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