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词汇 lie on
例句 Stone fish lie on the ocean bed, often in shallow water.石头鱼躺在海底,通常是在浅水区域。The success of the economic reform lies on our effort.经济改革的成功取决于我们努力。I had to lie on my stomach for four hours.我得趴上四个小时。The bill will lie on the table indefinitely.这议案将被无限期搁置。Go and lie on the bed until you feel better.躺到床上去,感觉好一些了再起来。Witnesses sometimes lie on oath.证人有时在法庭上宣誓后却作假证。The gunmen ordered bank employees to lie on the floor.持枪歹徒命令银行职员趴到地板上。The old cot is an easy bed to lie on.那张旧帆布床睡上去很舒服。When I'm on holiday I lie on the beach all day.我休假时会整日躺在沙滩上。Hartridge lied on his jury questionnaire by omitting the fact that he has been sued three times.哈特里奇在陪审员调查问卷中撒了谎,隐瞒了自己曾三次被指控的事实。We would have a lazy lunch and then lie on the beach.我们会不慌不忙地吃顿午饭,然后躺在沙滩上晒太阳。He snores when he lies on his back.他平躺时会打鼾。Some people like to lie on the beach, but I prefer sightseeing.有些人喜欢躺在海滩上,而我则宁愿去游览观光。I just want to lie on the beach in the sun.我只想躺在海滩上晒太阳。First, lie on the floor with your arms spread wide.首先,伸开双臂躺在地板上。If you lie on the ground you will get your clothes dirty.如果你躺在地上,会弄脏衣服的。The park lies on top of a coalfield.公园位于一片煤田上。Seals lie on the rocks at low tide.低潮时海豹趴在岩石上。The doctor asked him to lie on the table.医生让他躺到桌子上They love to lie on the beach enjoying the sunshine.他们喜欢躺在海滩上晒太阳。The rocks get warmer in the sun and the lizards come out to lie on them.岩石被太阳晒得暖和了,一条条蜥蜴爬出来躺在上面。Guilt lies on his conscience. 内疚困扰着他的良心。All the unfettered prisoners were ordered to lie on the ground face up.所有不受束䌸的犯人都被命令躺在地上,面孔朝上。We would have a lazy lunch and then lie on the beach in the sun.我们会慵懒地吃顿午饭,然后躺在沙滩上晒太阳。He continued to lie on his back and look at clouds.他仍旧仰卧着,望着天上的云彩。Two men with guns burst in and told us to lie on the floor.两名持枪男子闯进来叫我们躺在地上。The wood lies on the southern extremity of the estate.树林位于庄园的最南端。The children were told to lie on their backs and waggle their legs in the air.孩子们被要求仰面躺着,双腿向上摆动。The main reason I'm going to Jamaica is so I can lie on the beach and chill out without being distracted.我要去牙买加的主要原因是为了可以在海滩上躺下来,不受干扰地放松一下。During these periods the birds will lie on the cage floor as if trying to lay or hatch eggs.这些时期,鸟儿会趴在笼底,好像在下蛋或孵蛋。The burden of proof lies on the defendant.被告有义务证明自己无罪。The farm lies on the hills above the lake.农场位于湖边的小山上。Thieves had tied him up and forced him to lie on the floor.窃贼将他绑了起来并强迫他躺在地上。Don't lie on the grass.不要躺在草地上。I like to lie on the sunny beach, basking in the sunshine.我喜欢躺在充满阳光的海滩上晒太阳。Patients were asked to lie on the examination table.病人被要求躺在检查台上。The town lies on the border between Chile and Argentina.小镇位于智利和阿根廷交界的边境线上。The burden of proof lies on us to prove negligence.证明对方犯有疏忽罪的举证责任落在我们身上。Sublime music floats on a scented summer breeze to the spot where you lie on the lush grass.你躺在绿草如茵的草地上,涤荡心灵的乐声随着清香的夏日微风飘到你的身边。




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