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词汇 leaves
例句 The leaves were silver in the moonlight.树叶在月光下呈现出银色。In autumn the leaves change from green to brown.秋天,树叶由翠绿变为褐黄。The leaves of these trees are poisonous to cattle.这种树叶会让牛中毒。If the reports are accurate, the deal leaves the authorities and the President virtually naked.如果报道属实,此交易的确使当局和总统猝不及防。I always get upset when someone leaves.每当有人离开我就会伤心。The leaves, bark and sap are also common ingredients of local herbal remedies.树叶、树皮和树汁也是当地草药的常用药材。The sun evaporates moisture on the leaves.太阳会蒸发叶子上的水分。Books are the legacies that a great genius leaves to mankind.书是伟大的天才留给人类的精神财富。The book leaves out things that might reflect badly/poorly on him. 这本书略去了可能会使他形象受损的事情。He saw something dark disappear behind the curtain of leaves.他看到一个黑漆漆的东西从浓密的树叶后消失了。The leaves had now been swept away.现在树叶已经扫掉了。There are insects that look exactly like green leaves.有些昆虫看上去就像绿叶一样。The carpet of leaves in my yard became more and more noticeable.我的院子里的落叶越来越厚。She trudged through the mush of fallen leaves.她步履沉重地走过松软的落叶。She always leaves her things all over the floor.她总是把她的东西摊得满地都是。The medicinal properties of the leaves of this tree have been known for centuries.这种树叶的药性几个世纪前已为人所知。The leaves whispered in the breeze.树叶在微风中沙沙作响。His solution to the problem leaves nothing to be desired.他解决这一问题的办法十分圆满。He often leaves his keys in his overcoat.他常把钥匙遗忘在大衣口袋里。The passing cars milled the leaves that fell on the road.驶过的汽车把落在路上的叶子碾得粉碎。We watched the leaves drift downstream.我们看着树叶顺流漂去。The trees are sprouting new leaves.树木正在长出新叶。Why are people so crazy about opera? It leaves me completely cold.为何人们会如此热衷于歌剧?我可不感兴趣。This leaves her ample time to prepare three meals a day.这样她就有充裕的时间准备一日三餐饭。The evidence against her leaves little room for doubt about her guilt. 对她不利的证据确定无疑地表明她有罪。The leaves were vibrant in the breeze.叶子在微风中抖动。We heard a crackling of leaves behind us.我们听到身后树叶沙沙作响。The plant has light green leaves with silver marks on their upper surfaces.这种植物的叶子呈淡绿色,叶面有银白色的斑点。My train leaves in the forenoon.我乘的火车上午开出。The cream leaves your skin feeling soft and supple.这种护肤霜令你的肌肤柔嫩有弹性。The leaves created a dense canopy that cut out much of the light.树叶形成浓密的冠层,挡住了大部分阳光。When he hunts ducks, he hides behind a blind of twigs and leaves.他打野鸭时,总是藏身在用树枝和树叶做成的隐蔽处。The winning athlete was given a crown of laurel leaves.那位获胜运动员被授予一顶月桂叶花冠。It was early autumn and the leaves were turning yellow.正值初秋时节,树叶开始转黄。The leaves change colour, then shrivel.树叶变了颜色,然后干枯了。The leaves were yellowed by disease.叶子因患病而变黄。The ground was covered by a carpet of leaves/snow/grass.地上铺了一层厚厚的树叶/雪/草。The leaves start out a pale green, and later get darker.树叶开始是淡绿色,后来颜色变深了。I'd like to say goodbye to Paul who leaves us for pastures new.我想向保罗道别,他要离开我们奔更好的前程去了。Leaves carpeted the lawn. = The lawn was carpeted with leaves.草坪上铺了厚厚的一层树叶。




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