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例句 She's made enormous strides in English this term.这学期她的英语取得了巨大进步。They have made great strides towards self-sufficiency.他们在自给自足方面已取得了很大的进步。Paco reached the door in only three strides.帕科三大步就走到门口了。He strides around the room beaming like a crazy man.他在房间里大步走来走去,像个疯子一样眉开眼笑。Doctor Jameson hurried past us, taking long strides.詹姆森医生迈着大步从我们身边匆匆走过。The nation's electronics industry made important strides this year to even up its balance of trade.该国的电子产业今年取得了重大进步,平衡了贸易差额。He was standing only a few strides away from me.他站在离我只有几步远的地方。Great strides have been made in medical research.医学研究取得了很大的进展。The government has made great strides in reducing poverty.政府在减少贫困方面已经取得巨大进展。When you run, take good strides and not dainty little steps.跑步时要迈大步子,而不是踩着小碎步。He was three long strides away.他已经有三大步那么远了。He walked with quick choppy strides.他跌跌撞撞地快步走去。I crossed the street in ten strides.我十大步走到街那边。An area in which the computer has made considerable strides in recent years is in playing chess.近年来,计算机应用取得长足进步的一个领域是国际象棋。We have made great strides towards equality between the sexes in legal status and rights.我们在两性法律地位和权利平等方面已经取得长足进步。The patient is making strides toward a complete recovery.病人的身体正朝着完全康复的方向好转。Medical science has made great strides in tackling infertility.医学在治愈不育症方面已取得很大的进展。The horse was within strides of the winning post.这匹马距终点只有几步之遥了。The conference highlighted the great strides made in education in Third World countries.此次会议强调了第三世界国家在教育领域取得的巨大进步。The country has made great strides towards self-sufficiency.这个国家在自给自足方面已经取得了长足进步。We have made great strides in areas like employment and housing.我们在就业和住房等方面取得了巨大的进展。The cheetah's long flowing strides make it faster than any other animal on earth.猎豹流畅的大步飞跑使它比地球上任何一种动物跑得都要快。A powerhouse of physical energy, he bounces and bounds with swift, long strides.他体力过人,走起路来蹦蹦跳跳,步子又大又快。She crossed the room in only a few strides.她几大步就穿过了房间。He walked with angular strides.他迈著僵硬的步伐行进。In four angry strides, Stuart was through the front gate.斯图尔特气得四大步便从前门走了出去。He walked with long strides.他大步流星地走着。Great strides have been made in reducing air pollution in US cities.减少美国城市里空气污染的工作已经取得很大进展。He curled up in the last few strides.他在最后几步时支撑不住了。Great strides have been made in the control of tuberculosis.在结核病控制方面已经取得了巨大的进展。The country has made enormous strides politically but not economically.该国在政治上取得了巨大的发展,但经济却跟不上去。




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